1/6 Hot Toys - Artist Collection - Kerberos Panzer Jäger Figure

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Robbie, you have just made my entire weekend.


Because never in life have would I have known that someone once had armor made………for their mustache!!!!


They made some crazy **** back then. The ceremonial and tournament armor was highly imaginative.

Beautiful figure. It's worth the price if you have an affinity for the subject matter. Lots of detail and this will be a small run compared to something like Terminator or Iron Man. Ultimately it's not a piece I need to own but it's gotta be a dream come true for fans.

I think collectors are kinda spoiled, honestly. This is pretty obscure for HT and if this were coming from a custom artist (and really there aren't any capable of producing the figure with the same detail and sharpness as HT -- not to mention LED eyes) it'd be $500.00 - $1500.00. I'm grateful we at least get to choose whether to buy cool releases like this, as opposed to just *****ing about price all the time.


Beautiful figure. It's worth the price if you have an affinity for the subject matter. Lots of detail and this will be a small run compared to something like Terminator or Iron Man. Ultimately it's not a piece I need to own but it's gotta be a dream come true for fans.

I think collectors are kinda spoiled, honestly. This is pretty obscure for HT and if this were coming from a custom artist (and really there aren't any capable of producing the figure with the same detail and sharpness as HT -- not to mention LED eyes) it'd be $500.00 - $1500.00. I'm grateful we at least get to choose whether to buy cool releases like this, as opposed to just *****ing about price all the time.

You could justify most prices for an artistic piece if you 'truly enjoy the subject matter' though. High end collectors spend millions on paintings or hundreds of thousands on automobiles for example. I think if you compare the retail cost + shipping cost of this particular set and what's included with similar figure sets you'd be inclined to think this is a bit over priced. :dunno

Granted, I do agree it's great that Hot Toys does make other niche figures occasionally. :hi5:
Paintings are usually unique, only 1 of that said piece, so if a persone really wants it, he has only 2 options: 1. Pay the price 2. Steal it. And when it's not up for sale, that leaves you with only 1 option.

You could justify most prices for an artistic piece if you 'truly enjoy the subject matter' though. High end collectors spend millions on paintings or hundreds of thousands on automobiles for example. I think if you compare the retail cost + shipping cost of this particular set and what's included with similar figure sets you'd be inclined to think this is a bit over priced. :dunno

Granted, I do agree it's great that Hot Toys does make other niche figures occasionally. :hi5:
Paintings are usually unique, only 1 of that said piece, so if a persone really wants it, he has only 2 options: 1. Pay the price 2. Steal it. And when it's not up for sale, that leaves you with only 1 option.

Paintings may be one of a kind, automobiles typically aren't. Anyhoo, those were just two examples and the point still stands. :lol
Automobiles are also unique due to the fact they don't get rereleases like Toys do. They do however get modern update treatments but usually far different from the originals, only rare example is the Ford GT1.

Also some of those classics tend to have very limited releases, and only available in certain regions. And you can't just ship a car like you would a toy, not taking shipping cost into account, there's still alot of paperwork to be done. And cars in good conditions are usually much less than toys in good conditions.

Paintings may be one of a kind, automobiles typically aren't. Anyhoo, those were just two examples and the point still stands. :lol
You could justify most prices for an artistic piece if you 'truly enjoy the subject matter' though. High end collectors spend millions on paintings or hundreds of thousands on automobiles for example. I think if you compare the retail cost + shipping cost of this particular set and what's included with similar figure sets you'd be inclined to think this is a bit over priced. :dunno

Granted, I do agree it's great that Hot Toys does make other niche figures occasionally. :hi5:
I get your point but anytime I look at a unique HT release (like this), I compare it vs Midas and all of a sudden it appears like a bargain! :lol Another example, I just received War Machine Mark 2 and while it may be diecast, it still seems about right, price-wise, if we're trading off the diecast for a unique sculpt. It seems relative to me, but this hobby's tough, given everything is overpriced, somewhat.

Paintings are usually unique, only 1 of that said piece, so if a persone really wants it, he has only 2 options: 1. Pay the price 2. Steal it. And when it's not up for sale, that leaves you with only 1 option.
While I'm sure there is a select market for one-of-a-kind paintings, I've never seen it outside of amateur/art-college offerings. Most artists seem to go for small runs (5 - ~20).
True paintings are always one offs. They may be a part of series where the themes and pallets are similar but by their very nature, paintings are hand made one of kinds.
Prints are almost always a series. They may have slight variations to them such as different colors or hand painted sections but they still are part of a limited run.
Yeah, good point, shouldn't have used "paintings", specifically. I'm thinking about prints/mixed-media pieces where there's either a small run (say 5 @ $5k/each) or a larger run where the piece gets more expensive the closer it gets to selling out. One-of-a-kind paintings I don't see very often, outside of landscapes/nature themes. The truly unique stuff that I might want to own is always way beyond my budget. Makes this hobby seem very economical, by comparison, so I guess that's a good thing. :p
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How bout hand made potteries & hand made cars, would you consider each of them unique or a limited run series?

I have lots of friends and colleagues that are working artists so this is more in the forefront of my mind.
Pottery, unless casts are made(commercial ware like coffee mugs or toliets), would all be hand made. Meaning each one will have slight variations even though it looks the same. I can't speak on cars. All I know about them is what I see on tv. Jewelry has two markets. One where each piece is made from start to finish as a custom piece. Then there is the commercial market where an original is designed and then a mold is made so it can be reproduced over and over.
I like the look of this but would never buy it. It has a very interesting look, but I know nothing about it.

The funny thing is, if they made an official Ed Harris figure it would look nothing like him. But for this, its a perfect Ed.
I think the hauberk of this figure could be made better
In my view the RomanSoldier by ACI Toys is much well done in this part


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I think the hauberk of this figure could be made better
In my view the RomanSoldier by ACI Toys is much well done in this part

That's the aquilifer from Kaustic Plastik. The chainmail is very effective - I don't have the aquilifer yet, but it looks good on the legionary and centurion.

The only chainmail ACI have released so far is the one with metal chain on their gladiator, Priscus. That was very nice too.
I just care about the paint job and costume making.
I pray HT would not disappoint me.

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Anyone ever get their hands on the Takara Kerberos Saga figures? I picked up the female figure (Midori I think it was) and the man. Those were pretty awesome figures with the removable armor. The head sculpts were a little cartoon-ish but otherwise they were pretty great. I wonder if this guy will have any removable armor parts?
How much did you get them for & which version of them did you get? Do apply neutral leather protector on them leather suits though, the older leather on the female tend to crack/melt after time.

Anyone ever get their hands on the Takara Kerberos Saga figures? I picked up the female figure (Midori I think it was) and the man. Those were pretty awesome figures with the removable armor. The head sculpts were a little cartoon-ish but otherwise they were pretty great. I wonder if this guy will have any removable armor parts?