Super Freak
Damm teasers; just show us all of it!
always somthing
Before they released this teaser, i said to myself; "The only way I'm going to buy another HT Nolan Batman is if they provide a better un-cowled sculpt AND and a suit with actual fabric under the armor plates". far they're one for one. Lets see how good that un-cowled head is once its revealed.
Looks ____ing amazing
The glove thing is true though, will have to post it on Facebook
Yes. Likeness is off. Looks nothing like Christian Bale.
whats the point people will complain bales face is to thin.or his face is round ,his nose is off ,or better compare it to customs .
Hmm...looks good. They need to fix the bat symbol. How could they mess that up?!
Am I missing something? What wrong with the bat symbol?