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Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

The likeness in the new one is definitely there. The 2nd sculpt was a bit too sharp in the features. The eyes on the new one are very close too. The lightning is awful and messes with things in these photos.

The hair is a toss up. I think it will look much better in the long run. The rooted hair looks a bit like what you pull out of a clogged shower drain after a few months. Weaver's hair was never as dense as that figure has. Doing rooted hair with the volume vs size of Ripley would be difficult in mass production.

I just hope they tighten up the jumpsuit tailoring a bit. She has some very cool detailed accessories, which I appreciate greatly.

Agree completely with the above.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

So, the only actually-new figures in this display are the two Ripleys, the warrior Alien and the Cosbabies?

I can't remember the last time I had my hopes crushed by a collectible company like this. I assumed when the first couple of photos leaked out Hot Toys had gone 'surprise mother******!' and announced 2.0s of Dallas and Kane, the Big Chap, etc :monkey2

I prefer the look of the sculpted hair on Ripley, I think, but the face sculpt before this looked a lot more Ripley-esque to my eyes. I'll reserve judgement until decent pictures surface but as things stand my desire for this figure is rapidly going down the drain - which is shocking given how much I love the first two Alien movies. Good job Hot Toys.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Still nothing announced, not even remotely acknowledged that it existed by the company that created it. Makes me sick to be honest.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Partly true, partly wrong: IMHO nobody on Earth knows how to do a proper sci-fi movie anymore. Not Lucas, Abrams, Bloom-whatever, Ridley, Spielberg, or Cameron (Avatar was a piece of crap when compared with movies done by him with a fraction of the money, decades before).

But retarded-targeted crapfests like Abrams's TFA do sell, and big time.

Btw, it is heartbreaking seeing Ford, Fisher and Hamill so on board and giving their support so blindly and just-for-the-money-of-it, to that stupid and dull movie; it tells you a lot about how much they ever cared about the trilogy, characters or story: they never did actually, each of the first 3 movies was just another damn gig to them, that's all.

Sorry, back to my point: Covenant will be a piece of sith but it will sell, as Prometheus did, just because people are stupid and gladly take whatever they are fed as long as there is spectacular, normally unjustified and gratuitous action crap to gawk at. Hence, movie studios, which are finally devoid of all irresponsible-to-the-stakeholders, artistical-almost-communist aspirations these days, and are open just for earning cash (forget about dinosaurs like Alan Ladd Jr), will certainly go ahead with A5.

It doesn't matter at all who will do or perform on A5. It will be boring and conventional, just as Lawrence Kasdan's latest output (can you believe he is the same guy who penned TESB and ROTJ???). The era we live in is as unspiring and money-run as it gets. Nobody has good, risky, new ideas anymore, or even want to, or want to fund them.
Emotional and artistical creativity are at their lowest point ever in History, with movie studios looking more like software companies, living off ideas from decades ago, repeating themselves with industrial methodicalness and shying away of anything even smelling like risk (and getting a lot of positive feedback and funding from satisfied and conformist stupid masses). Whatever uninspired, out-of-context ideas Weaver, Bloom-whatever or Scott may come up with, will be trimmed by money guys until they lie completely within the confort zone, and hence, you'll get another Marvel movie.

Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Partly true, partly wrong: IMHO nobody on Earth knows how to do a proper sci-fi movie anymore. Not Lucas, Abrams, Bloom-whatever, Ridley, Spielberg, or Cameron (Avatar was a piece of crap when compared with movies done by him with a fraction of the money, decades before).
Lucas never new to start with :)
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I'm tempted to say that Hot Toys is behaving like a dinosaur, so they will eventually go extinct: they are big and proud, and insensitive to the reality of their fans' desires and requests.

But well: they are Chinese, and I heard once the European and American markets are nothing to them in terms of cash... So maybe they listen, but only to Chinese people talking Chinese on Chinese forums.

Am I the only one who can't believe the amount of expectation in these forums for the new Aliens figures? Aliens has spurred a thread running for 9 years here at ssc.com. People kill for HT CM parts on ebay, went nuts with the Ripley+PL preview years ago, and now this craze about Alien Day. One would say there's a huge fan-base out there, with their credit cards yearning for some plastic toy expenditure, and impatiently waiting for Ripley & CM bliss.

Yet, HT, irgnores them. Why? Maybe because we are not that many, after all. I guess HT only goes a certain path it they sense they have tens of thousands of Chinese customers ready to buy it, or a lot of movie studio marketing money to leverage. Aliens' 30th anniversary is going to be something but nothing near Civil War. Hence the lukewarm interest on HT's side

Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Come on. SW wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for him.
Give the guy his due, even if only for the thousands of choices he had to make on a daily basis, sensing the readiness of the industry and the market, hiring and funding the right guys (so that they could give their output to him and to us), and (as Abrams put it once) for getting so much so right back then.

He didn't write the music, he didn't design or build the ships, but he decided who would do all that, and supervised and quality-contolled everything so that direction and intention were never lost. The same applies to many other great movies and business decisions (toys being one of them, for which you and me are very grateful).

History has proved he is not an artist (e.g. the prequel problems are not technical ones, but artistical ones, from concept to script), and whatever writing skills he had when he created the universe in the first movie (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Darth Vader... only his naming skills already deserve a lot of creativity credit), unfortunately he let it fade away after so many years in the money realm: he has turned out to be a cool business man in show business to whom we all owe a lot.

So: he must be bashed where due, and praised where due.

Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I preferred the rooted hair sculpt, but I'm fine with the sculpted hair as well. It will be interesting to see how long we'll have to wait for an official announcement.

Anyway, here's what I did for Alien Day:

Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I still say it is the SAME Head Sculpt, the lighting is the problem!
Look at these images, last one shows original over the new version.
No stretching, everything kept 1:1 scale.

Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Partly true, partly wrong: IMHO nobody on Earth knows how to do a proper sci-fi movie anymore.
. . .The era we live in is as unspiring and money-run as it gets. Nobody has good, risky, new ideas anymore, or even want to, or want to fund them.
Emotional and artistical creativity are at their lowest point ever in History, with movie studios looking more like software companies, living off ideas from decades ago, repeating themselves with industrial methodicalness and shying away of anything even smelling like risk (and getting a lot of positive feedback and funding from satisfied and conformist stupid masses). Whatever uninspired, out-of-context ideas Weaver, Bloom-whatever or Scott may come up with, will be trimmed by money guys until they lie completely within the confort zone, and hence, you'll get another Marvel movie.

This argument only holds if you are looking at big-budget, blockbusters aimed at mass audiences. Though even there, we get some good sci-fi movies. But there are very novel and interesting, well-made sci-fi movies out there, with more being made all the time. Sunshine, Moon, Looper, Primer, Ex Machina, Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar. Even District 9 was great, even if Blomkamp seemed to lose it soon thereafter. Of course things aren't as innovative as they were in times past, because there wasn't as much to build on. But even Star Wars was heavily influenced by films that came before.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I dunno ALIEN something across the eyes looks different between the sculpts - I will say that your combined photo does show the best elements of both.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

anyone here manage to pick up the shoes?
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

This argument only holds if you are looking at big-budget, blockbusters aimed at mass audiences. Though even there, we get some good sci-fi movies. But there are very novel and interesting, well-made sci-fi movies out there, with more being made all the time. Sunshine, Moon, Looper, Primer, Ex Machina, Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar. Even District 9 was great, even if Blomkamp seemed to lose it soon thereafter. Of course things aren't as innovative as they were in times past, because there wasn't as much to build on. But even Star Wars was heavily influenced by films that came before.

True. I do think though that D9 came close to being as innovative as it gets. Pure genius in my opinion.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

This argument only holds if you are looking at big-budget, blockbusters aimed at mass audiences. Though even there, we get some good sci-fi movies. But there are very novel and interesting, well-made sci-fi movies out there, with more being made all the time. Sunshine, Moon, Looper, Primer, Ex Machina, Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar. Even District 9 was great, even if Blomkamp seemed to lose it soon thereafter. Of course things aren't as innovative as they were in times past, because there wasn't as much to build on. But even Star Wars was heavily influenced by films that came before.

Mad Max Fury Road was also pretty much an instant classic. IMO one of the best scifi/action films ever made.

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Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Well, I guess it's a case of 'be careful what you wish for' possibly this time.. dat sculpted hair. :monkey1
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Mad Max Fury Road was also pretty much an instant classic. IMO one of the best scifi/action films ever made.

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really? i actually hated fury road. Just another example of overused big budget special effects overshadowing the storyline. Road warrior 1981 now thats a mad max film..