Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)
Yes, it does look good.
Yes, it does look good.
That head on a stick does NOT look like weaver.
It sucks. The HS in the official photos has a stronger likeness...
This version looks so awesome !! Terrible decision by Hot toys not to go this route . For the price there asking these days for there figures . Make this work . I don't want to hear that it's going to be hard to mass produce and box out . The sculpted black hair on all my Hot toys figures always loose alot of there color and end up looking like plastic . I repeat , terrible news.
nah not happening, the rooted hair version always reminds me of adrienne barbeau. Ripley never looked like that in terms of her facial structure and she certainly never had hair like that in alien or aliens..The sculpted hair version is much better.
Nah the sculpted hair looks cheep and the color never holds up on any of there figures . Ex . My winter solider figure is begging to have rooted hair as well .
but he should stop right there, or he will spoil it.And it's only "70%" painted according to JC Hong.
but he should stop right there, or he will spoil it.
I like rooted hair, but I believe in other "fans" words about production issues...
Now, there is other picture...
These photos look like a 12" NECA figure. Not only is the sculpted hair a big step backward, but it doesn't even seem like well-executed sculpted hair. Where's the paint variation? Shades of brown mixed in? This looks like a mop cast in black plastic and stuck on top. Her hair is not supposed to be one solid shade of black.Yes, I have changed my mind, but I was talking about OFFICIAL PICTURES. I see her like neanderthal woman... big frown, eye crossed, small eye balls, piranha mouth...
But I don't see this problems in Hot Toys Secret Base pictures or Toy Sapiens pictures.
I see Ripley. I see Sigourney expression here: