There’s so many pieces to pose and use, it is going to be hard to keep one pose set for any period of time.
There’s so many pieces to pose and use, it is going to be hard to keep one pose set for any period of time.
or something different every month
so you have alot of money if you take 2
The last item there will convert the side ports from 3.5mm x 1.35mm to 5.5mm x 2.1mm, which then allows you to use all the common 5.5x2.1 cables and splicers out there.
Connect to the side ports of the Soap Reactor. They run on the same voltage, just higher AMPS, so you can splice each port to run 8-10 cables (power 8-10 battery slots.) You can power easily 10 Iron man figures doing it this way easy.
Some phone pics. This figure is amazing!!! I love it.
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Some phone pics. This figure is amazing!!! I love it.
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Anyone have the Mark IV die-cast to compare side by side with this? Wanted one Iron Man and picked that up but feel like this could be the one to have in terms of the look, role in the movies. My other Marvel figures are all Guardians at the moment too, and this version had interactions with them, or with Starlord at least.
Some phone pics. This figure is amazing!!! I love it.
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It’s actually some big cabinet case I found a while back passing by a garage sale that saw it. Pretty nice and fits this set up nicely I just need better lighting. I picked it up strictly for my IW display.
Glad someone noticed what’s at Thor’s feet lol
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It’s actually some big cabinet case I found a while back passing by a garage sale that saw it. Pretty nice and fits this set up nicely I just need better lighting. I picked it up strictly for my IW display.
Glad someone noticed what’s at Thor’s feet lol
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