They should be, try a live chat.
I did no reply.
They should be, try a live chat.
The right arm on my figure was not attached to the shoulder joint in the package although I didn't notice it until I removed the figure from the box. The arm went back in fine and was really tight. So tight that if I moved the arm upwards at all it would pop out of the socket. I have had mine sitting in the cabinet for the past couple of days untouched and now the right arm will not come out of the socket. Before I couldn't even use the arm socket extension feature or move the arm laterally without the arm coming off.
At this point I am guessing that the figure was a bit warm from being in the UPS truck. After sitting in A/C the plastic has contracted around the ball joint and now the arm doesn't come off. If my theory is true I would recommend anyone buying one of these to open the package and let the figure come to room temperature before removing it. Remove the main plastic cover that is covering the figure (not the plastic on the figure itself) so it can properly cool down. Maybe the diecast material is exacerbating the issue?
Did a live chat with Sideshow Elisse. She said my order should ship out either today or tomorrow. I ordered on 8/27. Oh, I paid in full with PayPal when at the time. Also, she said they ship out as soon as they receive the orders in their warehouse.
On the SS website, it states that this guy is still up for pre-order. What's taking them so long to release this figure?
Just received mine and this is why i choose pack out, this is always the case with UPS in my areacant wait to get home and open it!
Wait. You mean they don't double box if you don't ask?
It sounds like the shoulder joints are very susceptible to changes in temperature. It might be due to the material. Optibotimus described it as "rubber band rubber." Can you or anybody else confirm?