Super Freak
I liked it. I thought it gave the suit some charm.
I thought so too, it did seem a bit silly sometimes but it was not finished and did manage to do a lot
I liked it. I thought it gave the suit some charm.
Right, but you mentioned it was a mistake and a set isn't in the works. If that's the case, why do they still have this link up for all this time on their site?
I've been pretty detached from the forum since the beginning of December and I'm just catching up with everything now. I didn't bother to see what the talk is in that dedicated thread yet, but I'd imagine if they have the link for that teaser up for over 2 months, then a set is in the works.
This have been discussed more than a couple of times before and even had a seperate thread but end point is SSC did say that it was just a mix up and made a mistake bec they put this up during the time before Hot toys revealed the accesory pack
I wouldn't go that far. They told distribution companies they where going to make one. If they do or not is anyone's guess. But if they can reuse the buck for the 42/43 again I don't know why they wouldn't. Or at least an accessory pack with BD parts (the already tooled ones from the two figures) for both the 42 and 43. I wouldn't be surprised if they did one. In fact I'd be a little more surprised if they didn't. I think it got put on (according to what I've heard) becuase of the mk43 similarity. Between two 42s already and two 43s coming they opted to hold off on announcing it.A fully-dedicated BD Mark XLII is the only IM figure HT won't make. Besides Rescue Potts.![]()
This have been discussed more than a couple of times before and even had a seperate thread but end point is SSC did say that it was just a mix up and made a mistake bec they put this up during the time before Hot toys revealed the accesory pack
I think the reason people are still bringing this up is because Sideshow have still got it as coming soon in that area of their website..., no idea why as like you say, they've acknowledged the error?
That's exactly it. If it's a mistake or cancelled or whatever, why is it still up? They should just take it down and cure any confusion
It is odd that they've not removed it from their website still, I'll email them & ask why it's still there? See if that gets it resolved.
Yes. Articulation is the same. For extreme poses, it's just easier to slide the shoulder armor out, pose the arms and then put the shoulder armor back on. In fact, for repulser blast poses, since the shoulder armor is not attached to the joint anymore you can reposition the shoulder armor so that's it's more on top still...and not totally around towards the back.This is absolutely fantastic!
Is the articulation-possibility still the same as before?
Yes....but this seemed less bulky...and that's what I was trying to do...get rid of as much bulk under the shoulder armor at possible.Nice work Mark.![]()
What 'gear thingies' did you add? Also, did you consider gluing small magnets to the piece you removed and then the torso instead of hot gluing the electric cord tie to ensure they never fall off?
Awesome mod!! It looks fantastic. Wish I didn't come back here to see it!!
I thought I was out for a second and and told myself that I rather go with the 43, and I don't need 2 color variants of the same armor... but I forgot about all these BD parts
Great work and nice pics MC![]()