Super Freak
It is not greatI did a double take when I saw that headsculpt. I can't believe something like that was approved.

It is not greatI did a double take when I saw that headsculpt. I can't believe something like that was approved.
MK42What should I do this 42 or Whiplash mark II?
Got money only for one the price is same. For me 43 is the best but the price is almost 100 $ more.
I am mostly in SW line and HT gone crazy this summer, im saving mostly for that.
I was never ever in my dream thought that i would buy some IM line figure, but after 42 and especialy 43 my defence line is broken.
Oh yes and i saw mark 45...
MK42I think its better, just imo Its really your choice
Yes i think ill do that, and I also like more Downey Jr. then Rourke M.
He's right its the KA 42
Still a beautiful photo though
There's no easy way to do it. If you're scared you'll mess it up, I wouldn't do it. I got some spare limbs or parts off of ebay when they were more in abundance and got some good deals.Wow. That's some good effects of weathering on the 42. May I ask how you did that? I have been wanting to try something like this for awhile.
The battle damage parts do not go with the crisp clean look of the bottom part of the body. Also, with the price of it, I'm too scared of what will happen if I mess up.
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Stunning picture man!
I was going back and forth between getting this or mark 43 eventually I caved in and got this instead of 43 and I am blad I did.