Super Freak
Still wish this had the more ape like physique/posture, can't pass on a Hulk HT but not loving the physique, the statue is better but i'd still rather have the ape like physique.
<Photos snipped by me for space>
I mean look at the better posture and the size of his back muscles, that's how he looked in the film.
I think that the problems you describe come down to a few things....with compromise being the linking factor.
The sheer size and physicality of The Hulk is daunting. That lat-spread that he has is immense! To reproduce that in a stationary, non-moving statue is just fine as it is not intended to move. But on a figure it's different. As these figures are obviously not alive and do not have real muscle structure, which contracts and bunches when in use, then releases and flattens when relaxed, anything that they end up with is just a facsimile of what is real. So a compromise is made, he is broad, but not quite as broad as he was in the film.
To have that kind of lateral spread across the back of this figure would make it much more restricted than it already clearly is. He already looks like you cannot do too much with his arms from the get-go. To add all that much more plastic at the V in his back would hamper his arms even more, I think.
The argument can be said of exposed joints, also pertinent to this figure during the run of this thread. Look at figures like HAWKEYE and BANE. There is the compromise I mean, in action, right there. The muscle design on the figures' arms has them semi-flexed all the time, because no biceps look like that when you bend your elbows. It's close enough to be overlooked but it is not quite right
Facsimile and compromise.
Viking, you deserve 15 Hulk heads just for posting what Zod would look like if he was a floating lolcat head with super heated eye lazers.
An hilarious description