Well they changed the MkVII so it wouldnt surprise me if they changed this too.
Here is my thoughts again. My guess is that they made at least 2 if not more test head sculpts before they decided on the one they used for the proto pics. If this is the case it would be easy enough and not raise production cost too much to just produce a second one for the final product.
I am starting to think this mainly because so many fans have stated the what they mostly were disappointed with was no extra head sculpt. They seem to have started listening to their consumers a bit more.
I guess we will have to wait and see, but I am hoping they used this delay for a good reason like this.
I unfortunately do not think they will include a base since he is as big as Iron Monger and they didn't make one for him. Might be too much of a production change.
Which head would you rather have as a 2nd sculpt:
Which head would you rather have as a 2nd sculpt:
is this was cancelled by HT Viking spawn would go postal![]()
For a second head, the smiling would be awesome.
I'd want a pissed off 2nd head if anything.
i would choose the 1st pic
is this was cancelled by HT Viking spawn would go postal![]()
Where did all this talk about a 2nd headsculpt even come from? Wishful naive fanboys? lol...
Viking, you deserve 15 Hulk heads just for posting what Zod would look like if he was a floating lolcat head with super heated eye lazers.
oh, and the crying dude ain't to shabby either.
Is that stress/ripping???