1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- The Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

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Ok here's one.

Please tell me someone is offering that hulk wig. I want him to look like Davy from the Monkees.
I kept all of mine boxed up until Iron Man showed up. Then I figured I was ready to set them up and saved a spot for Hulk. I save all the packaging and stuff, but I don't have plans to ever sell them. I'm pretty happy that I went all in on the Avengers, but I do have other one off figures that never really get out of the box. Because of that, they don't bring me any enjoyment. I guess because they're not carded that I didn't have any hesitation about removing them.
Still waiting for my Waitlist to Convert... :impatient:

What do you all think the likelihood of this is to happen?