Well holy cow genius! It's a freaking good job you are here to explain these things to us...you know, I am so much happier for that assistance. I can now go back to trying to find my arse...I've got both hands, now all I need is a map!
Can you believe the balls on this guy? Think beyond my means...? Meaning what exactly...and wait, it gets better...I am not allowed to speak?
S c r e w t h a t !

It's a shame that you cannot see past the end of anything at all. Otherwise you'd know
that I know that this is a figure we are talking about and
you would be the one that recognises that we are talking about how HT could try to reproduce this elbow-skin feature on a 1/6 scale figure.
I don't want to worry you Einstein, but this clearly might come to you as a bit of a shock, but this is
a figure not
a real person.
If it's molded in to replicate the creasing on a straight arm...it's still going to be there when said arm is bent because it is built into the design, no matter what a real person's arm does or does not do...it's a freakin toy!
HOLY CRAP! Am I really having to explain this to this ________?
For goodness sake can someone else please take a run at it... because this is the closest I have ever come to putting someone on 'IGNORE' and I vowed I would never do that...no matter how much of a total arse a person could be.
PS I now fully understand the satisfaction felt when using the term Douche-Bag.