I think the ESB's only major flaw for me is a kind of stocky appearance that I'm going to turn my eyes towards modifying at some point.
He was played by a real life bodybuilder to be fair. The stockiness is accurate.
Nice posing and futzing! Rotated it for ya. Something about the mask I actually like, any inaccuracies aside. I feel like they captured ESB Vader's vibe.
What's the consensus on this figure? Don't really own much Star Wars yet, just a FO trooper but I've got a Sideshow coupon about to expire and Vader seems like a great place to start.
北京国安;10047395 said:Custom drape cape & wire cape by Jaxon
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Agreed. If anything 434 looks best to my eye.
Hi, i just recently got my ESB Vader. The downward tusk is annoying but I can look past that.
I got a question, does the shoulder armor really that tight? I used to have Sideshow Vader with basically free moving shoulder armor. HT kind of restrict the movement especially if Im trying to have the hand up. Afraid I’ll break it. Any workaround?
Here’s a couple of more pictures of mine. Finally got around to opening this figure. I’m not on expert or that picky on all the inaccuracies people mention here. To me this Vader is awesome.
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Did a little re-futzing today to try and make him look a little leggier.
View attachment 444313
Couldn’t resist going for a take on the classic “power” pose.
View attachment 444314
Back in the case
View attachment 444315
Blew this one out on purpose to see the detail better
View attachment 444316
Take the shoulder bells off.
Ah didnt know that can be done. Thanks.