My girlfriend gave this to me for Valentine's Day (got it early since I got to her place before she did and saw the UPS notice on the door from Sideshow). I was on the fence about ordering it for myself but was leaning toward no, but man I'm so glad she got it, he's one of my favorites! Only figure I have that will be displayed with the base, this is such a great package all around.
Did they make one before this version?
Anybody have the ESB figure considering getting the new AtoC one? I don't have a Yoda yet and am trying to decide between getting this one or getting the AtoC version.
ESB version is classic with a good diorama but this new one has the dynamic stand and his light saber..... what were your thoughts for going the way you did? (xpost on AtoC thread as well)
So after I posted I went and checked side show and it looks like they are doing their own Yoda now too... On sale July 17th. no pics or anything yet.
So after I posted I went and checked side show and it looks like they are doing their own Yoda now too... On sale July 17th. no pics or anything yet.