Hooray. More non OT stuff in an OT thread for people avoiding TFA.
Thanks fellow freaks!
Oh noes..... a magazine cover that was released to the public...

Yes, was just thinking it would be nice to finally get a 1/6 Lobot. He's been getting some love in the new Lando comic.
I would rather have an updated Lando then Lobot... or even a two pack.
OMG you're right! I honestly hope these movies tank and are quickly forgotten as they will only stain the good memories of the OT. I mean there is no way they can recreate the magic and creativity the OT had back then. A bunch of cg action scenes and bringing new characters that no one cares about isn't going to be SW to me. I wish they had just used the EU or the novels for story ideas instead of trying to make a new trilogy.
Well its kinda true, i dont think there is much point in trying to recreate the OT success all these yrs later. It would have been better to use the books or EU characters to do SW movies with. There are plenty of interesting characters in the EU to use as opposed these new ones from TFA. I am probably not judging fairly though as the movie hasn't been released yet.
Please tell me you are joking.
I am not sure why this movie would get hate already, it is real pathetic.