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No thats him flying out of it and killing brah :lecture



Boba killed that motherflipper!
I dunno...it looks like there's a beak or something in the middle. I don't remember there being a beak in the real movie. My vote....not accurate.
Anyone has got any idea whether is the Sarlacc movie accurate?:D

I dunno...it looks like there's a beak or something in the middle. I don't remember there being a beak in the real movie. My vote....not accurate.

The beak was added in the 1997 Special Edition:

In the re-release of Return of the Jedi, the sarlacc in the Pit of Carkoon was revised to include a beak-like tongue and extra tentacles. According to Lucas, this was done because he never felt the creature seemed alive in the original films.

Sarlacc - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Looks pretty cool (though I definitely would just go with the regular -- not caring for the Sarlacc accessory at all). Only issue is the cod piece/thighs. A couple people have mentioned that his thighs look fat and it's starting to bug me. :lol Maybe I will be able to hold out for an ESB version. Not sure that two Bobas on my shelf are necessary. I'm certain they'll go all out for ESB, too, with carbonite block, etc., so that will take up quite a bit of room. Nice to see it's coming up for PO, soon, though.
I don't see myself getting the deluxe. the base is cool and all, but I don't see myself using it. I'll be sticking with the regular. And thank god this is not coming out for about a year.