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People talk and speculate about all kinds of things that have not been seen or for sale yet, cars, trucks, shoes, books, phones, computers, etc. It's human nature to wonder what is coming next and it's fun.

No I concur, that's not my point though. I was just musing that I don't see the point in creating several "official collectible figure" threads for figures that aren't official. It's fun to speculate on what will possibly be released from a film, absolutely. However, I just thought that's the very reason why many people often create figure speculation threads for an upcoming film? To speculate and discuss potential figures that may possibly be released from that film, but aren't officially released.

More just a consolidation suggestion.
Sad if they dont make it as this is really the only figure I want from this movie(along with, maybe, RW Thor).
I personally dont have an issue with people making speculation threads.

I do have an issue with people just blatantly saying "it wont be made" or "it will be made".

If so, whats your source besides out your azz?

Threads are fun. Speculation is fun.

Once it crosses the line to unbacked certainty, then we got a problem.
It's different if they say they don't think it will or think it will be made, but provide sound reason that supports their opinion. That's what speculation is about. For instance, I personally don't think the Wonder Woman figure from the solo film will get made, at least not any time soon. Do I know for sure? Of course not. But I provided a line of reasoning as to why I espouse that opinion in the DC section.

To be veracious, I don't think this figure (Hela) will get made. It's not a film that I can envision HT spending too much time on, with Justice League and The Last Jedi right around the corner. As I've said from day one in the figure speculation thread for this film, the figures I see HT making from this film are Gladiator Thor, Gladiator Hulk, Loki, and RW Thor.

I hope they do make her though, as I'm certain there's a lot of people that want her at the moment. However, I personally just wouldn't hold my breath. And like YJ and Crossbones, I feel the longer they wait to make her, the more people will become uninterested in it because they're already looking forward to figures from the next film.
Personally, in the MCU, I think the true villain (excluding WS) per se that still stands out the most from any solo character film is RS from TFA. All others to me have been relatively forgettable. Well, except Loki in T1.

I'll rephrase that to say that the villain that we haven't seen return in any other film other than the one film they appeared in for a solo character film, that still stands out, is RS.
It's different if they say they don't think it will or think it will be made, but provide sound reason that supports their opinion. That's what speculation is about. For instance, I personally don't think the Wonder Woman figure from the solo film will get made, at least not any time soon. Do I know for sure? Of course not. But I provided a line of reasoning as to why I espouse that opinion in the DC section.

To be veracious, I don't think this figure (Hela) will get made. It's not a film that I can envision HT spending too much time on, with Justice League and The Last Jedi right around the corner. As I've said from day one in the figure speculation thread for this film, the figures I see HT making from this film are Gladiator Thor, Gladiator Hulk, Loki, and RW Thor.

I hope they do make her though, as I'm certain there's a lot of people that want her at the moment. However, I personally just wouldn't hold my breath. And like YJ and Crossbones, I feel the longer they wait to make her, the more people will become uninterested in it because they're already looking forward to figures from the next film.

YJ and Crossbones would have been fantastic figures. I also think they may have surprised HT in how well they would sell. They were just outstanding looking figures... but perhaps the profit margin for the one-off work required just wasn't substantial enough to warrant making.

I hope Hela gets made. Well... first I hope she's a great villain. Then, if she is, I hope she gets made.

I think she has a good chance to get made because she's a very simple figure and HT's profit margin on her will be huge at $235.
I just watched a review of Ragnarok that says Hela is a really good villian. Let's hope everyone thinks so so she'll be released.
How can she not be a good villain? its Cate! shes a wonderful actress and she looks like shes having a ball in the trailers. This character is the main antagonist, shes not some Crossbones 5 minute character.
How can she not be a good villain? its Cate! shes a wonderful actress and she looks like shes having a ball in the trailers. This character is the main antagonist, shes not some Crossbones 5 minute character.

A character is only as good as they are written.
Bwahaha! (...Probably a good thing Marvel Hela bares very little resemblance to Hel Lokisdottir... Or the whole Sleipnir issue of Odin riding his own pseudo nephew into battle)
They will all be released. These were all prominently displayed at NYCC in the Sideshow Booth. Sideshow is not gonna waste valuable space to display Hot Toys merchandise that is not gonna come out when they have so many other things they could be displaying there. Plus I asked one of the sideshow workers behind the counter when can I pre-order Hela & Hulk and he said no definite date but it shouldn't be too long.
I asked one of the sideshow workers behind the counter when can I pre-order Hela & Hulk and he said no definite date but it shouldn't be too long.

Sounds about right as being the go to response on a figure they have utterly no clue whether HT plans to actually release or not.
They will all be released. These were all prominently displayed at NYCC in the Sideshow Booth. Sideshow is not gonna waste valuable space to display Hot Toys merchandise that is not gonna come out when they have so many other things they could be displaying there. Plus I asked one of the sideshow workers behind the counter when can I pre-order Hela & Hulk and he said no definite date but it shouldn't be too long.

How long you been collecting these things? :huh

These are the same guys still advertising the ‘66 Batmobile and the BvS Batmobile is still coming when HC has all but cancelled both...along with a crap ton of other figures listed here:

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How long you been collecting these things? :huh

These are the same guys still advertising the ‘66 Batmobile and the BvS Batmobile is still coming when HC has all but cancelled both...along with a crap ton of other figures listed here:


I've been collecting Toys for 30 plus years now. I've been working & selling at shows for over 20+ years.
If you are so deadset believing Sideshow would waste such valuable space at this show to show all these items that are Not coming out then you might as well believe Everything else that was displayed there is not coming out either.