I will try to answer....
Men and women process this information differently, and I am speaking from real-life observation here. Men are often fixated on a body-part, or on a specific overall type. When they find what they are looking for, puns intended, its on. When they find out later [as they often do] that the brain encased in that body is in no way aligned with their own, trouble begins. What I'm saying is that men will often choose a mate based on looks alone. [Please don't throw rocks, this is only what I've seen after a lifetime of observation].
Women are a little different. Believe me when I say that women enjoy the eye-candy too - we do. But women only really become serious when they LIKE YOU. Sexual attraction is a must as well most of the time, but that LIKE must be there for things to heat up further. Men will endure contact with a woman they actually hate, as long as the ginormous breasts [or whatever] are there. Women REFUSE TO DO THIS.
So a woman is open to more possibilities. They're not stuck in that "must have ginormous breasts and be blonde or it aint happening" mindset; when they find what appeals to them, thats when the magic starts.
You know what? Really, from my own track record guys like Evans and Hemsworth are more my type, except that I prefer dark-haired men. However when you meet a perfect storm of physical attractiveness AND that voice, that marvelous voice..... his voice is no small part of Loki's charm and he could talk anyone into doing anything with it, I imagine. UK men are well known to have that vocal charm, and when one talks to them in real life it is all one can do not to melt into a puddle at their feet. Seriously!
So glad they did not coach Hiddleston out of his accent, its perfect for the character.
As far as his wife or girlfriend - there seems to be some confusion as to her actual status - she had better batten down the hatches because this sort of fangirly adoration is part of being involved with someone in the entertainment industry.

She's a lucky lady & I'm sure she knows it.
Back on topic! Is it any closer to December yet, must. have. figure. now.