Awesome, Loki is available for pre-order again on the Sideshow site. Glad for it, I cancelled once before and regretted it when it went on the waitlist. I'm not gonna make the same mistake a second time.
this is the 6th time that I cancelled and then preordered it again :\
Awesome, Loki is available for pre-order again on the Sideshow site. Glad for it, I cancelled once before and regretted it when it went on the waitlist. I'm not gonna make the same mistake a second time.
The main reason I like Loki is because he's troubled, but somehow still manages to be smug, sneaky, goofy and scary at the same time. It's a perfect mix.
Heh, here's a pose to use with our Loki figures, from a T.H. tweet today... "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with a glorious Props Department".
Awesome, Loki is available for pre-order again on the Sideshow site. Glad for it, I cancelled once before and regretted it when it went on the waitlist. I'm not gonna make the same mistake a second time.
6 Times!!?? You might be the reason it keeps going on and off the waitlist.
6 times you got me. For the most part if I order it I never cancel it. I canceled it only being I collect full mask items (Ironman, Clones), and helmets. He just did not fit in with what I collect. I did order him again on flexpay and pay all but the last one. This way. I will not cancel him again (I'm a cheap bas$$$$).
The metallic cheap gold strips near his clothes around his knee really bother me. they are too shiney and not very accurate IMO. I am trying to convince myself to wait for THOR 2 loki or avengers loki...also i was hoping the final product, they will replace those gold strips with something else...
... if "metallic cheap gold strips" are one's biggest complaint about a figure... perhaps someone needs to go check out the Spider-Man figure threads, especially as regards the Mediacom Spidey figure. That'll snap things right back into perspective for ya![]()
I have just gone back to the first page and done a photo to screen comparison, as the bluray is running in front of me.
To be fair, tyt2lynnin1 does have a point. The elements of the costume that are described are not actually correct. But really, at 1:6 scale is it realistically possible to expect a mass market toy (even a hideously expensive one like this) to be 100% correct? I don't really think so.
Something is always going to be off, one way or another. I have said this before in that, as these figures have become more improved and techniques for product get better, any slip or minor imperfection is going to artificially increase in importance.
In this case, there is just so much more that is right about this, it is easier to overlook the errors. In fact, it is so good that I may order a second one and try my hand at his 'Asgardian Prince' look.
I have just gone back to the first page and done a photo to screen comparison, as the bluray is running in front of me.
To be fair, tyt2lynnin1 does have a point. The elements of the costume that are described are not actually correct. But really, at 1:6 scale is it realistically possible to expect a mass market toy (even a hideously expensive one like this) to be 100% correct? I don't really think so.
Something is always going to be off, one way or another. I have said this before in that, as these figures have become more improved and techniques for product get better, any slip or minor imperfection is going to artificially increase in importance.
In this case, there is just so much more that is right about this, it is easier to overlook the errors. In fact, it is so good that I may order a second one and try my hand at his 'Asgardian Prince' look.
I have just gone back to the first page and done a photo to screen comparison, as the bluray is running in front of me.
To be fair, tyt2lynnin1 does have a point. The elements of the costume that are described are not actually correct. But really, at 1:6 scale is it realistically possible to expect a mass market toy (even a hideously expensive one like this) to be 100% correct? I don't really think so.
Something is always going to be off, one way or another. I have said this before in that, as these figures have become more improved and techniques for product get better, any slip or minor imperfection is going to artificially increase in importance.
In this case, there is just so much more that is right about this, it is easier to overlook the errors. In fact, it is so good that I may order a second one and try my hand at his 'Asgardian Prince' look.