1/6 Hot Toys - MMS276 - Commando: John Matrix Collectible Figure

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I don't think i'll be getting this figure apon its release. It looks like arnie I think but I dunno, i'm not impressed with it overall. I'd rather wait till later and get when theres a price reduction. Would save me some funds also.
I like the figure, but there's just not enough pull there for me, and all these do and do not's really sour my enjoyment. I cancelled my pre-order and I'm pleased I did. I must admit, after watching the review on the t-800 police shoot out I more inclined to get him. That figure looks incredible!
there isnt going to be a price reduction man, none of the arnie figures have gone down from what i can remember. I do think this should have been like 230 even though he does come with a vest and a lot of accessories. I hope i like this in hand as it looks good in clippers vid, yeah he is right about thems smoothing the face to make it look younger. Still i cant pass up John Matrix :lecture
The biggest problem with MMS238 is you really want two of them on display, as both contrasting looks are so different.... :gah:
I'm not charging anything , as usual I said something on Facebook and a few lame brains couldn't see it was tongue in cheek to get a reaction. And I said it on Friday night yet I didn't even film the review until Saturday afternoon........ And here's me thinking that just because we collect toys there are still a few grown ups around

That's your first mistake Uncle Clipper... alot of these mooks on here have no sense of humor and take this stuff way too seriously.
As for the figure.. glad I didn't order this. Hot Toys looks like they took a few steps back with this one..the head sculpt is awful.. the fact there is no rotation in the body is amazingly bad.. I will say the outfit is superb but with the paint rub issues.. wow.. this is a disaster.
Honestly i never bought him for the bd purpose, i bought it to have the shades and police assault look. Which looks good and he holds poses really well.

Yeah that's the look I want, Clipper put him in a walking pose in a review, shotgun held out in front, it looked killer! I'm surprised he hasn't sold out on Sideshow to be honest.
the likeness seems better when looking from the side.

john matrix.jpg
there isnt going to be a price reduction man, none of the arnie figures have gone down from what i can remember. I do think this should have been like 230 even though he does come with a vest and a lot of accessories. I hope i like this in hand as it looks good in clippers vid, yeah he is right about thems smoothing the face to make it look younger. Still i cant pass up John Matrix :lecture
idk man, I'm banking on one
If not, the extended wait will be for nothing but I just can't pay full retail on release date anymore
There isn't a single ht figure I couldn't have gotten for cheaper, even willing to buy a used one for a discount
Nice pic, 2little. :duff

This reminds me of the BD T-800 - it should be an easy, no-doubt-about-it buy, but it's a mediocre, at best, effort from HT.

Come on, Howard, get your **** together.
Honestly i never bought him for the bd purpose, i bought it to have the shades and police assault look. Which looks good and he holds poses really well.

Me too. I bet the most common pose we all use shotty in one hand, auto in the other... shades on. One reason I went with the look was because I don't really like battle damaged head on my sole Arnie figure.. I'd be more inclined to change it over once I get a couple more Arnie figs..
The full review sorta brought me back to not liking the sculpt. As Clipper said, fantastic from a distance as an overall figure and 80s kids will know who they're looking at.

However if we're being clinical in our judgement of the headsculpt and the likeness - they just aren't managing it. On the one hand at least the back of his skull isn't sticking out a mile like DX10 or at least he doesn't have PERS eyes with the drawbacks they bring - but on the other hand the shape of the face still looks off to me, I'm getting serious MMS117 vibe from it. In fact for all its issues the DX10 has the most accurately shaped face IMO. No one sculpt ever seems to bring together the best qualities of all the others while eliminating the flaws.
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The head sculpt is the least of your worries if you pick him up though, rubber body, not being able to keep his clothes on for a long time etc. Why even release him if they deliver a subpar figure. I'm really frustrated at HT policy at the moment.