finally got Matrix all geared up last night [sorry about the over-saturated photos, but I'm too ****ing tired to fix them

and here are a few of my thoughts on it now.
[this is just rambling really, but try to make sense of it, if you must...] everyone's talking 'bout the face or the body, but my gripes have actually mostly been with the vest. I cant really point-out what it is exactly, but it seems to take quite a bit of adjusting to get it sit right (atleast it did for me). and I still have all these tiny little nitpicks with it, the shotgunshells are too dark, the shoulder and groin straps too thin etc. the buckles lack any-sorta "heft" (and I'm actually thinking of replacing them with the ones on my custom)... claymore pouches would sorta look more natural with a bit of weight inside.
oh, and the magazine pouches actually have just stuffing inside them. no actual clips which I sorta consider as a slap to the face at this pricepoint... but admittedly with actual clips the pouches wouldn't actually sit on too well, as you might see on my custom.

one really annoying thing [and I'm unsure if it concerns every single MMS276 or just mine, but] I noticed while putting on all the gear was, that every single **cking strap and every single **cking sling seemed to be really really short?
I mean short as like Hot Toys was on the verge of running out of the material? feels like HT was saving it like their profits really depended on it? I mean what the ****?

if you charge $250 for a figure I'm pretty sure there's plenty of that sling to go around. but no.
I actually had to brake the binocular strap and clue it back together to it's full extent myself, because straight out-of-the-box it didn't actually even fit the neck? I mean seriously? HT could've given us a bit more lenght to them, even 5 more millimeters is alot in this scale. now I have every single sling adjusted to the max to get everything to fit?
and with everyone going ape**** about the possible color bleeding of the vest, I made a sorta undervest from recycled cleaning cloth to protect the body. however there is alot of contact in areas you cant really protect with any undercloth (without it being noticable)... and I'm thinking if the vest bleeds color, how about those claymore pouches???
other than that Matrix is a monster (as in big) and looks quite badass on the shelf. and I LIKE IT