Sorry if this has been asked before, but would it be a good idea to put the Mark 43 on a regular Hot Toys stand? I don't have the figure yet, so I was just curious, as I've seen that its been done before. Thanks.
You can put it on a regular crouch grabbing stand but not recommended for the dynamic stand it's too heavy.(maybe only for a quick pic)
You can put it on a regular crouch grabbing stand but not recommended for the dynamic stand it's too heavy.(maybe only for a quick pic)
The 43 is my fav armour. The articulation is 2nd to none. I so hope the 45 has this level of articulation. Love posing it also.
Here's a couple of shots.
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9 is not the suit Pepper used, they are selling that figure in place of the Mark 8 which is the suit Pepper punched a hole into at the end of IM3 (Mark 9 is a red and gold version of Python, which they already made). In the interlude between Avengers and IM3 Tony built suits 8-41, and we see 42 for most of the film. At the end, the rest of the house party protocol (8-41) show up in the fight. The suit Pepper briefly wears during the Mansion attack is the 42.
I see the reg mark 43 is now waitlisted. This is a better figure than Cap AOU so it should have happened to mark 43 first.
The Mark 43 cost $120 dollars more and was a toss up armor for many collectors that already purchased the 43 or had the Mark III on pre-order. Best Captain America release ever so not surprising Cap sold out first.
It's too bad HT didn't anticipate that the Cap was gonna be so great that it was gonna sell out or they would've made lots more.
I'd be interested to know the production numbers for different size figures. How many more of Cap did they make than Mk43, or oversized ones like Hulk or Ultron? How many Hulkbusters are being made? I've never given it much thought before.
I'd be interested to know the production numbers for different size figures. How many more of Cap did they make than Mk43, or oversized ones like Hulk or Ultron? How many Hulkbusters are being made? I've never given it much thought before.