I never set out to collect Iron Man, my collection focuses are Doctor Who & Star Wars but everytime I saw a new Iron Man figure from Hot Toys I was always impressed & eventually I gave in resisting & decided one figure wouldn't hurt..., who was I kidding? lol

I now have 9 figures plus 8 more on preorder (2 of which will be turning up this month, Heartbreaker & Hot Rod).
Haha, well I wish I had that sort of disposable income (or that type of income in general, even if it's not entirely disposable

) as there's plenty I'd love to get! It'd take a really special piece to get me to buy a double of someone -- which isn't entirely out of the question, I'm sure -- as for now I need to allocate funds into areas where I can keep my collection growing with others I want.
I'm being pulled more and more towards this one, and I wouldn't be shocked if I pre-order locally by the end of the day

And unless Civil War has a storytelling must piece to go along with Cap, I'll be happy with this being my representation of Iron Man.
Out of AoU the others that have my eye right away are Hawkeye and Black Widow. Widow is a LITTLE less of a worry, since she'll definitely be around for Civil War; but Hawkeye seems to be an Avengers only type of guy. Of course, there's always Infinite Gauntlet, but I'm sure there'll be even more figures coming out for that one that I'd like

I do like his jacket, but I'll wait to see full shots of the figure...see if the jacket is removable etc...either way, I'll get a Hawkeye at some point!
I do like the added colours to Widow, as well as her new weapons. I think she's a character they'll give a few more pieces to in terms of guns, etc...but her price point is usually lower (I think it was $199.99 before? I can't see this one going higher than $209.99 due to the brand, and I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed at $199.99).
Ultron may be one I'll pick up. I've never been huge into getting villains (though I am waiting for a Ra's Al Ghul Liam Neeson figure still) but after you see a movie, you really want everything, so I'll have to be careful

Scarlett Which is one I'll aim to grab as well, though we'll see how the sculpt is, as future releases of that may be worth waiting for as they perfect the sculpt!
Then there's Hulkbuster, which my wife thinks looks awesome in the movie, but just too much in the figure

That said, it'll probably cost too much anyway, as I'm not sure I could pick it up over two or three other figures. As with everyone here though, we'll wait and see!
If the regular version is still in stock in another six or seven weeks, it should be coupon-eligible. Unless Sideshow does away with $20 coupons.
Looks like they haven't yet, as the New Year's e-mail sent out today had one!