I have absolutely zero desire to get involved with this, so all I'll say is that off the top of my head, Motuxmen has stated on this forum that he's worked for SSC, Sony, Disney, and now Legacy. To me, that's an easy

but some of his comments have been insightful. That's all I'll say about the matter.
Never said disney nor Sony. I have stated projects I've worked on. When you work in the film and prop and wardrobe and art world in general you tend to work with/for/through a lot of companies and organizations. It's not like the normal work world in many ways.
Even if you don't beleive I have done anyrhing I've said, think about it logically. The things often said to make argument that I couldn't have done this or what not...are exactly the things that anyone that's spent years working in the film industry would have to do. If I where a gaffer or sound engineer or photographer or wardrobe or catering even...in that industry, and I worked on more then one movie how many companies do you think I would list as places? How about the stunt guys?
Forget if it's me, who cares, but if you looked at Stan Winston or Michael Westmoore or john kelso....how many companies do you think they would have worked with. You may know two of those names, but the third maybe not. And he's worked on everything from xmen to spiderman to Van Helsing and NCIS and Bones and commercials.
And legacy and before them Stan Winston studios do everything from tent pole movies like Avengers to Laundry detergent commercials, to working with Sideshow on statues, and even building theme rooms for mega churches and rich people. They employee everyone from dry wallers and carpenters to VFX and makeup artists.
It's funny, people act like no one does these jobs. You do get that there are actual people that do the work. Tens of thousands of people work in the film industry, and prop making and sets and what not. And not all of them are household names. In fact very few are. Some of us are not as skilled as others. I'm not. But what I do have going for me is a wide range of experience and flexibility that makes it possible for me to get work if I need it. I don't work much these days. A project here and there. But mostly I'm retired.
How many companies have you worked for in your life time? Been in the same job at the same company forever? If so fantastic. I wasn't that lucky. But just because I may have worked in a different field somehow everything is questioned. And people wonder why anyone from the collectible and film and TV and sports world don't interact more. So, if ou have worked at three companies can I roll my eyes and say, but I don't want to get involved?