Hahahah.. Having a wife as a fellow collector..
Not my wife (future, yes...but not currently), nor a collector.
Just nerdy enough to enjoy my stuff.

Hahahah.. Having a wife as a fellow collector..
Same here, but with different things. She yells at me too, saying that I wanna have this and that so much either way, so I should by what I like.
It´s my money.
With HB she said: "I don´t care about that thing. I just wanna have Hulk."
Not my wife (future, yes...but not currently), nor a collector.
Just nerdy enough to enjoy my stuff.
Sounds like mine. She loves my collection and has kinda claimed my HT GotG figures as hers. She does collect some Funko things and has loved anything Transformers since she was a little kid.
Welcome aboard the crazy train! CHOO CHOO!I POed this yesterday. I've climbed aboard the crazy train, I've crossed the collecting Rubicon. I guess thousand-dollar uber-exclusive customs are next in my future.[emoji38]
Sounds like mine. She loves my collection and has kinda claimed my HT GotG figures as hers. She does collect some Funko things and has loved anything Transformers since she was a little kid.
She absolutely HATES my current run on TF, but she starts with Funko now.
Funny as ****, man. We sure have certain similarities in our girls.
This! A computer is obsolete 6mths down the line. But then again so are hot toys figures. Hahaha.Should I buy this or a new computer at the same price point? Decisions, decisions.
This! A computer is obsolete 6mths down the line. But then again so are hot toys figures. Hahaha.
Depends on the specs u get.
This! A computer is obsolete 6mths down the line. But then again so are hot toys figures. Hahaha.
You're thinking of phones. New computers should last at least 3 years.
Haha my wife is also similar in that she collects funky and other guardians/iron man things. She got rights to buy the HT GOTG figs and I get to buy the rest haha.