When is this shipping btw?
I wouldn't mind if it came out after SDCCYeah. Summer is the current estimate. I'd say late summer or early fall for Europe and USA.
Yeah, if your going that's always an expensive con. Even if you don't factor travel and housing. Even when I lived just up the road from the show I spent a lot.
Nope, no leather. I was being a smart ass. Making the point that complaining about materials the figures don't use anymore is silly. Which is the same as the pink panty issue. The thing that caused that (vinyl/rubber crotch section) hasn't been used and won't be used.
My apologies Motux for the "class" comment. It was out of line, and the last thing we need is more "out of line" in these forums. I "cleaned" the message myself, but of course I can't clean the quote.
The "pink panties" comment was partly in gest, but I'm sure for those of us like myself who actually weren't up on all the info, it is a relief that it shouldn't be an issue with Hulk-Buster. I'm sure the info is out there, but I don't have time to read many boards and I won't be on here as much this year, so I miss a lot- as I'm sure others do too.
You're a great source of info and we're lucky to have you here.
Kind Regards,
my HT igor have a rubber panty, does it mean the color will fade out as time goes by?
it seems ok now though.
When is this shipping btw?
It shouldn't. They adjusted the material mix (it's a synthetic mix of rubber and vinyl and something else) so that it's not as reactive to light an heat. What caused the issue on the mk3 (the first ones) 4 and 6 was the material reacted to both heat and UV. Which caused a reaction with the paint. They believe it's been completly fixed. So you shouldn't have any issues. If you notice anything, and I don't think you will, PM me and I'll talk to hot toys and see what can be done.
If you have one of the older figures (mk3,4,6) keep it out of UV light and keep it cool. And if you buy one make sure it's been checked. Because the containers they where shipped in got hot and could have caused the fade reaction (it's not actual fade but it looks that way) so a MIB figure could have the issue and you wouldn't know.
This is currently scheduled for an April release in HK but that seems rather optimistic.
I think this a good rule to have for collecting these. You can buy UV film for coating the glass on detolfs or cases to protect them if theres direct sunlight, which you should avoid anywayIf you have one of the older figures (mk3,4,6) keep it out of UV light and keep it cool
I was just thinking about this. What are the odds that this figure comes out on time? Slim to none?
as a matter of fact HT has been on or ahead of schedule on their products since half years ago.
seems like they have increased their production capacity lately. hulkbuster was scheduled to be
released in Q1 ~ Q2, so an estimation of april release is not unlikely i think.
I agree, they have been stepping things up and getting figures out faster, sometimes way ahead of schedule. I think this will be out on time if not slightly sooner