Super Freak
i'd love to share more photos.. but i need to get a proper light. my iPhone (the 5C.. i refuse to pay a ton for the new versions) doesn't do well without proper light, the photos end up grainy..
i'm going to need to take another group shot once mark IX shows up on monday or tuesday.. though, they won't be lit since i removed all of the batteries.. or maybe i'll just put them all back in to take an updated photo.. we'll see. since taking that shot (a couple weeks ago) i've acquired the mark IX, red snapper, peacemaker, and tank. it's not my entire collection, just the figures from iron man 3. i really hope sideshow brings over the new midas armor.. and i'm in no hurry to pick up gamma or igor.
I really like this picture. Very reminiscent of the final battle in IM3.