Super Freak
I think hot toys would have been better off with this as a build a figure with its avengers line. I would have bought every figure, even quicksilver, had that been the case.
You're joking. Right?
I think hot toys would have been better off with this as a build a figure with its avengers line. I would have bought every figure, even quicksilver, had that been the case.
I think hot toys would have been better off with this as a build a figure with its avengers line. I would have bought every figure, even quicksilver, had that been the case.
I think he meant that Hot Toys should do what King Arts does like releasing add-on material like the jackhammer arm and battle damaged parts.I'm sorry but this absolutely makes no sense whatsoever.
I think he meant that Hot Toys should do what King Arts does like releasing add-on material like the jackhammer arm and battle damaged parts.
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I think he meant that Hot Toys should do what King Arts does like releasing add-on material like the jackhammer arm and battle damaged parts.
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That's not the way I understood it. Sounds like he wanted it to be a build a figure like a Marvel Legends line. I don't get the logic of that. It would increase the cost of every single figure and the quality of the end product would be terrible.
I'm not following the logic. At all.
I am sitting on the 43 waiting to see how the engineering of this pans out. I'm expecting some level of disappointment but if it turns out fantastic I'll probably buy. Always the chance it could sell out I suppose, but I want to see the production figure before commiting.
Its likely there will be a few being sold afterwards when people receive it, there always is.
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Yes but not necessarily retail pricing...
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I am waiting too. Almost $900 for 1 figure was too much for me to rationalize spending. I think Hulkbuster could sell for a good bit less than retail 6 months to a year after its out. If I use the other 2 larger scale armors made ( Iron Monger and Igor ), they both sell for $100-200 less than retail. But thats a risk I am willing to take.
I am waiting too. Almost $900 for 1 figure was too much for me to rationalize spending. I think Hulkbuster could sell for a good bit less than retail 6 months to a year after its out. If I use the other 2 larger scale armors made ( Iron Monger and Igor ), they both sell for $100-200 less than retail. But thats a risk I am willing to take.
What is working against this figure, other than price, is sheer size. Just having a place to keep it is a barrier to ownership for a lot of people, and I imagine would lead to people parting with it down the road.
I like the armor, I like the movie a lot more than most people, but I can't justify owning this, especially having three years now to mull it over. It would not fit anywhere I have easily and just the box would take up the space of multiple other pieces, plus I've been downsizing what I currently have anyway. Some people have the houses to have big stuff, its not as easy for everyone.
ThisExactly though -- price is big, and so is the figure. Allot of people won't be picking this up due to budget and space, and I imagine it will be very costly for HT to produce with not much profit. All those things combined lead me to believe that this will be a very low production run, which is a huge resale factor in my opinion.
Exactly though -- price is big, and so is the figure. Allot of people won't be picking this up due to budget and space, and I imagine it will be very costly for HT to produce with not much profit. All those things combined lead me to believe that this will be a very low production run, which is a huge resale factor in my opinion.
Idk, I cant predict the future and how people's incomes and life cirumstances change.Obviously, we are speculating, but if people aren't buying it now at retail price because of budget and space, who are the ones who are paying that huge resale price which some are saying will be higher than, even double retail?