Excuse me if I'm being dumb but but does this come with a full Mark XLIII or is it just the bust that shown in chest. I can't seem to find anywhere that shows it in the description yet it's shown in the images
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View attachment 430748
This is from that guy taking his apart to recast everything in diecast for whatever reason. I am guessing the arm would come apart at the gold ring
I don’t see how anyone could be pissed at Hot Toys for the offering or the price.
If you don’t have a Hulkbuster and want one, now you can get one with the jackhammer arm at a completely reasonable price.
If you have the Hulkbuster and just want the accessory you can buy the accessory.
If you have the Hulkbuster and want a new figure you can easily make your money back if you bought at retail and sell the original.
And In 2 years when supply has dried up again, the figure will rise in price and that will be it. It would take an anniversary to see it again if at all.
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New arm has an entirely different shoulder section though. It has to be at the shoulder somehow.
This is how the previously had it attached with the proto jackhammer arm from a last year or so
View attachment 430749
Was just going to mention that, the shoulder is different. Also did anybody notice you get two jack hammer arms??? One with the fist and the other for trapping hulks arms. I thought it was one that just transformed
Look, Hot Toys is never going to make another fully articulated Hulkbuster. Period.
You wanna know why?
Because we are at the top of the market for all business. This 10 year bull market is finally coming to an end and all the money will dry up after New Year. Interest rates are going up...no one is buying homes or cars like before and everything has reached unsustainable prices.
Be grateful if you are the few who were able to buy such an incredible figure that will never have a comparable in probably another decade or more.
Thank you Hot Toys and goodnight.
As for the rest of you guys who were to chickens#$t to pull the trigger 3 years ago on a preorder...F U....LOL.
I apologize...at the end of another Halo Top ice cream and Raising Kaines chicken finger binge....sh&$t’s good son...like crack.
It appears that you can swap out just the lower forearm section on the new arm so you can have the option to do the fist or the cage.
View attachment 430751
Has anyone found any info on whether the figure itself is the exact same as the original HB release, or if they made some changes or improvements? I have the original release and can’t decide whether to just order the accessory pack, or order the deluxe release and sell my original. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Apologies if someone already asked this question by the way.
SO cool the HB is going to be released again. I am grateful I'd gotten the chance to get the first release, but man that deluxe is EXTREMELY tempting. The release date seems far away, however I'll see if I may bite again. Given how quickly some Marvel products have been pumped out, it wouldn't surprise if this one released earlier.
If you own the first iteration why would the deluxe version be extremely tempting?
The only addition is the jackhammer arm, which you can purchase separately, so I fail to see where your enthusiasm for the more expensive deluxe version derives from.
I swear, some people on this board are easily amused/suckered by simple re-branding and/or they simply just love wasting money.![]()
If you own the first iteration why would the deluxe version be extremely tempting?
The only addition is the jackhammer arm, which you can purchase separately, so I fail to see where your enthusiasm for the more expensive deluxe version derives from.
I swear, some people on this board are easily amused/suckered by simple re-branding and/or they simply just love wasting money.![]()
Or maybe, just maybe they would like a second one. I'm not sure too many people have "wasted" their money in buying the first version at original retail. Collect and let collect.
Well, for me, for figures I really really REALLY like, I get multiples, maybe two or three; therefore I am tempted to nab one more, should the opportunity be there. Of course this is an awesome hobby to me, and I'm glad to be able to collect these figures.