The legs (where the legs meet the hips) and ankles on my Iron Patriot are kinda loose, but I don't think it's a common problem. I have IM3 War Machine and Hot Rod and both of those are fine.
Totally worth getting. Anyone who doesn't get one of these before it sells out is going to regret it in a big way imoFor those who have seen it, and without spoiling anything, is this figure worth getting? Or is it like another Mandarin?
Not a must. Unless you like war machine or need one in your collection.
Totally worth getting. Anyone who doesn't get one of these before it sells out is going to regret it in a big way imo
You will want this after seeing the movie, got the first metal one though.
Does he go all fully loaded War Machine like in IM2 with hidden weapons that we (and maybe HT) haven't seen yet, or is it just the wrist blaster and shoulder cannon as pictured?
Pretty much just the weapons you see, cannon, repulsers, wrist guns... I didnt see any hidden weapons, but its what he does that makes him shine
and I'll say no more
Pretty much just the weapons you see, cannon, repulsers, wrist guns... I didnt see any hidden weapons, but its what he does that makes him shine
and I'll say no more
Pretty much just the weapons you see, cannon, repulsers, wrist guns... I didnt see any hidden weapons, but its what he does that makes him shine
and I'll say no more
Totally worth getting. Anyone who doesn't get one of these before it sells out is going to regret it in a big way imo