Wait -- so it does actually work? The hook opens and the line unspools? The Luke trooper with the same device is shown to have about 8 inches of line looks like, is that about correct? And the dial on the bottom re-spools the line?
That would be a great relief if it worked.
Starting to question Sideshow. Did the live chat, asked for early processing on Luke since I have one payment left in January. I ordered on day one of preorders so figured okay this shouldn't be a problem. Yep! Told me they didn't receive them all and can't process it yet.
First come, first serve not honored at Sideshow.
Paid In Full pre-orders would take precedence I think, as those are first come/first serve, as we have already paid;
I don't think it makes a difference. I paid up front (full PayPal payment at the time of ordering) for Luke and haven't so much as received a message saying anything about today. I got one on December 8 saying it was "shipping soon" but that's it.
"Item Shipping Soon" is the status on the order right now.
If the hook doesn't work, I'll probably end up selling the whole belt.
Anyone get/hear anything about the regular version? I need to order that one next as there's a limit of 1 on the EX.
If the hook doesn't work, I'll probably end up selling the whole belt.