Super Freak
While I do agree with Pixel that SSC's prototype is better than HT's, I don't think this is DX05 bad. This is serviceable in my eyes. It's no Han Solo (either version) or Ben Kenobi. Those are the awful ones.
All the new HT SW figures are great in their own ways, likenesses aside.While I do agree with Pixel that SSC's prototype is better than HT's, I don't think this is DX05 bad. This is serviceable in my eyes. It's no Han Solo (either version) or Ben Kenobi. Those are the awful ones.
For those who bought this, have you received a shipping notice yet? Just asking because the other con Exclusive, M Hill, is already shipping...
For those who bought this, have you received a shipping notice yet? Just asking because the other con Exclusive, M Hill, is already shipping...
Yeah, I didn't think it was that far out for the coupon, but I can definitely hold out a few more months.
Whoops, wrong thread. Thought this was the Stormtrooper one. This one went up for preorder on the 29th of May so probably between July 29 and August 29.
Well, I am ordering as soon as the coupon works. I figure it will wash as free shipping.
Just realizing if I got every single one, I wouldn't be able to fit all the upcoming and likely Lukes in a single detolf if I were to stick with 2 figures per shelf. Tatooine, Stormtrooper, X-Wing, Hoth, Snowspeeder, Bespin, Bespin BD, ROTJ, TFA. Ditch one of the Bespin ones and it'll all work out. Only 8 Lukes.
I need to settle on one per flick.