My only shot at getting this figure now is a waitlist conversion at SSC

. I got on the list the day it waitlisted so my chances are good but I still wish I hadn't procrastinated. It’s tough to gauge when figures are going to sell out these days especially the non SSC exclusive versions. After two years of nothing selling out besides Star wars (Until the 2nd runs happened), I got used to just waiting for things to be discounted. Why rush to buy something that you'll get for less later by waiting. I thought ant-man selling out was an anomaly but now both batman & deadpool are gone before SSC even got them in stock, and superman sold out right after it started shipping. I sort of wish SSC would just tell us how many pre-orders are left, especially when they only got a few remaining- similar to their low stock warnings on in stock statues & figures (see power girl & Quicksilver).