Well..... MINE IS GOOD! No fraying at wrist and wrists don't even come into contact with suit. Spin without making contact.
Well..... MINE IS GOOD! No fraying at wrist and wrists don't even come into contact with suit. Spin without making contact.
Well that was easy. In air. Holding one gun gangsta style and a sword behind his neck. Probably will never move him.
I believe the trick with all these figures is to find a pose u like and leave it. They aren't meant to be continuously adjusted. I changed one eye, put on sword hand and gun hand. Put a gun on one hand and a sword in the other and have him flying thru the air. Don't think I'll change anything other than just very minor tweaks.
I believe the trick with all these figures is to find a pose u like and leave it. They aren't meant to be continuously adjusted. I changed one eye, put on sword hand and gun hand. Put a gun on one hand and a sword in the other and have him flying thru the air. Don't think I'll change anything other than just very minor tweaks.
I thought they were referring to the Spiderman 3 Spidey; the one where the webbing peels off. I've had ASM 2 Spidey for a couple of years too, with no problems either. Great figure!Also, someone else mentioned the ASM 2 figure having issues with the hands in this thread...
This is a very complex suit to design where it needs to be skin tight. We all know what trouble we had with Spidey a few years back. It was another material but causes problems for us.
I feel people should slow down and watch the fabric as they slowly move the arm. If you see the fabric getting too tight around wrist like it's pulling away just stop and gently wave a hair dryer to carefully soften the fabric a little.
Then move the arm a little more. Once the fabric softens for the first arm pose it should have stretched enough to not have this problem again.
Just my thoughts that may help a little
Really? That takes the enjoyment out of an expensive posable figure. I do appreciate the advice, but I, like a lot of people here and maybe you too, work really hard for my money. I totally understand that figures aren't perfect and I was very patient with this figure and didn't cancel when this happened with the first batch. Even though this is one incident with the second batch, it shows that the issue at hand is very likely to repeat itself. Again, I work too hard for my money to spend it on a $235 plus shipping item that I feel is more likely to have issues than not. I'm not knocking ANYONE who still wants this. This is just my take on it. Hot Toys is a GREAT company, but they're failing on this one! This is why I'm passing on this.
Amen to that. To afford this particular figure I combined cash, rp, and gift cards. To see it have issues like this has been grating to say the least. This was the most plausible fix they could come up with but I had the feeling the issue would remain. I'm not entirely optimistic at this point. If we keep seeing this over and over I'll return it for a full refund as soon as it arrives, if that's possible. We really shouldn't except sub par work on collectibles like this. If they happen to make a DP2 version they would be smart to have the glove cuffs part of the sleeve and the glove itself fitting under that. I might entertain giving it another try then.
I think the figure is fine and people need to stop freaking out.
As someone mentioned, handle the figure with care, just like any other figure. These are expensive figures to begin with.
People are really missing out on a great figure out of some unfounded fear of the sleeves from just one picture. I think its blown out of proportion and really, you're missing out.
Get the figure in hand. Take good handling of the figure, knowing the sleeves are delicate due to the nature of the material. Enjoy it.
Really simple as that people.
Do people on this forum treat these like Marvel Legends action figures? Come on, lets be realistic here.
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It's not that simple. Realistically people expect to get what they pay for and these are suppose to be high quality figures, not statues. We obviously don't expect to be recklessly with them. Though it's amazing that a twenty dollar marvel legends figure can out do one thats over two hundred. I have a number of sixth scale figures from other companies and I honestly wouldn't think twice about posing them weekly. They're pretty solid. This, not so much.