That was like a Jeckle and Hyde response BH8957!

I totally agree with you though!
Yeah, lol It's really basically the up and down with the entire situation since the beginning. First I saw the SS one and had to have it. My wife made me wait, somehow knowing they'd do a HT one for the film, so I did. It hit with the PO and we ordered 2 at the time before they limited it. And as soon as the issue started popping up, immediately people knee-jerk reacted and cancelled, then re-PO, then cancel, then re-po, then cancel, etc etc over and over. The whole time, and even now I'm of the mindset like enzolt, that we all need to just TRY and chill, wait and see what we get individually and then decide what to do. One set of pics, or a small sect of the people doesn't mean the entirety is doomed after their "fix"....
But then the logic centre if the brain kicks in a bit harder and I realize that, on the same token.....
why is this even happening to begin with?
How are we all sitting here in the BEST case scenario hoping OUR figure(s) - basically - "
aren't as BAD as someone else's figure(s)", and the worst case, it is as messed up and maybe even worse and we send them back HOPING we get lucky enough to get one that's - STILL - "
not as BAD as someone else's or my previous figure"?!
Regardless to the feelings or temperament about this situation, the bottom line question should be - across the board -
why is this situation even something we're all just kind of accepting? Shouldn't Hot Toys be held up to a standard they themselves have created at
least? Or how about Sideshow not holding Hot Toys to a certain standard? Whether we can afford dozens of these a month or a few a year, in no way should we be satisfied with the stress and anxiety that our $300+ purchase for a posable figure HOPEFULLY isn't AS BAD as someone else's figure. There should be zero stress and anxiety that our figure, supposedly mint out of the box, has inherent problems right from the factory and hope that MY figure isn't as bad a shape as Posters X,Y and Z. That's messed up! I don't want to see someone get shafted, let alone be selfish enough that I hope MINE is ok. Everyone's should be ok. What're we paying for here? And yeah, it is stress and anxiety wondering if we're going to have to be part of the group that has to deal with the whole return thing, then the ride starts all over waiting for it to get to them, then new one to us, and then hoping we get one that's not a bad as the one we've just returned. Look at many did he return?! And each time there was crap wrong that just shouldn't have been and he had someone on the inside physically picking one up for him from Hong Kong! That's CRAZY! I would rather the figure be delayed until Q1 2017 if it meant zero stress and anxiety worrying if our expensive purchase isn't basically broken before you even open the box.
I love the character, the film and the figure. I will never cancel it. I want it. I'm just hoping that my wife's figure and mine aren't already wrecked before I even get to open the box, of if I do, things don't go way south way fast by bending the arm slightly. Sure, it's unrealistic to expect the same problems based on one photo, but a lot of us took that stance in the start from the Hong Kong releases and it turned out to be wide-spread enough that they delayed for a fix, so the issues aren't just wrist-peg related and this is the first (
and yes, only) sign - so far - that there's more to watch out for. Let's hope this is it, as unfortunate as it is for the poor guy that go this one.
The more figures that arrive and the more people post in this thread their findings, the better idea we'll all have. I just hope that whatever situation people find themselves in that they get their figures straightened out quickly and with as little stress as possible and I hope that it's just a fluke and the rest of us don't have anything to really deal with or worry about from here on out. I'm not expecting 100% perfection, but I'm expecting to get a figure that I pay for isn't wrecked from the factory on a massive a scale as this. Recalls and problems are rare, otherwise businesses wouldn't be in business. And I have quite a few 6th scales from Hot Toys and a couple from SS and this is the first and only figure I have the situation of a serious potential problem like this. All of mine are solid and have been for years.
Buying these figures should not be a lottery of 50/50 for your figure being wrecked before the freaking tape-seal is cut....and I would say that it's perfectly realistic to expect these figures to not have a serious issue like this on such a wide scale.
So that's where I'm at right now. I have a LOT of stress and anxiety personally with my wife's health, my own physical disabilities, and one of my few joys is collecting these figures I really love and talking with you guys here, seeing photos and dioramas, so the idea that this situation might not be actually fixed is adding to that stress and anxiety and it just shouldn't be that way.
Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone.