1/6 Hot Toys - MMS347 - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

i just hope this doesn't end up going to the same place the X:FC Professor Xavier and Drax figures went. Those figures looked great at trade shows and then disappeared off the face of the earth.

Drax first showed up June 2014 in a bTS teaser. Then a couple months later showed up at shows. When a test run was done for approval it didn't work. So they did a second proto which was first unveiled in third week July 2015. So the prototype is just 6 months old. Do let's relax on the death of drax.

The only other two figures shown and teased that (outside of a blue steel which will come...and was first teased years ago) had plaques at shows and didn't make it to preorder where Prof X and Prometheus, and a few that where teased and talked about (Mj figure comes to mind). Hot toys made official comment when they knew For sure they where not getting made. So that's 3 for sure and maybe a couple others (let's throw in the ark joker even though it was just an unpainted teaser of half a figure) and say 5. So out of around 500 prototypes they have shown over the years (counting vehicles and dios and remakes and variants and 1/4 ect) 5 have not made it to market. But it seems like every thread someone brings up those 5 like its some likely scenario. Maybe I'll just copy and past a list together of all 500 that did make it and post it every time some one brings up the name of these canned figures.

5/500. Or a 1% chance that any prototype shown by hot toys will not get made. Or 99% that it will.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Ripley & Ripley + Powerloader too. Might even be able to add BTTFII figure as well given how that's not been mentioned in months. Various Batmobiles were announced and not made.

Percentage when compared to their entire catalog means nothing. They shouldn't show figures prototype or otherwise to customers before being certain they'll be able to provide them.
They have done that several times so people have a right to suspect it could happen and in this case there's been a 100% track record of non-Wolverine Fox/Marvel figures being shown then not put up for order hence the concern.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

i only really wondered that because the film is a 20th Century Fox release of a Marvel property and Marvel Entertainment has blocked a number of vendors from releasing merchandising based on the disputed characters. While we have seen HT release two Wolverine figures during this time period, there is still a possibility that the plug can get pulled at any minute.

I don't really pay attention to release statistics as my usual involvement does not really extend beyond looking at proto photos posted to here, preordering on SSC, to receiving it finally after a varying period of time.

BUT due to M.E. having a track record of shutting down production on licensed merchandise (even after prototypes are developed in some instances) I brought it up as a hope. I only used Xavier and Drax as a comparative example off the top of my head from a casual fan point of view. Sorry if I broke some forum faux pas by bringing up the "death of drax" and as soon as either of these two makes it to pre-order I will be among the first to do so.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Would be awesome if they did Colossus as well. I wouldn't mind getting Negasonic Teenage Warhead either, considering how awesome her X-suit looks.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

ASM2 Rhino was a proto that was never released as well. I see no reason why this figure would not make it to production.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Would be awesome if they did Colossus as well. I wouldn't mind getting Negasonic Teenage Warhead either, considering how awesome her X-suit looks.

Colossus would be awesome. Since he's a CGI character there shouldn't be any likeness rights either
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Colossus would be awesome. Since he's a CGI character there shouldn't be any likeness rights either

Not how likeness rights work.

Even if an actor voices it or is the inspiration or many other things. And the character even if it was mute and was inspired by a bush is still subject to Likeness rights.

Likeness rights and IP rights are there to make sure the people responsible for bringing that material alive, and creating it, and doing the work, are compensated when others make profit off it.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Likeness rights are the fees paid to an actor to use their visage on merchandise. Colossus is CGI and has no face capture animation thus no actor likeness therefore no likeness rights.

There may be rights that the animators have to receive sums for merchandise of their creations or usual license cost for the characters but that wouldn't be likeness rights it'd be whole different beasts.
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Sorry, but that's not correct. Becuase he is portrayed, that's the key word, by an actor, and is modeled after a specific person there is stil a likeness right attatched. Just becuase a character is rendered does not mean it is free of licensing issues. If it wasn't an actors likeness rights (which this one is) then there are still other licensing issue (which is why I included IP rights in my last post). To say they can just slap it out with no issues becuase it's not a human is not correct. There's just different people involved if that's the case. But, as I said, that's not how this character works. There is an actual actor cast and the cgi is based on him. It's supposed to be him, if his skin transformed to metal. Think Johnny Storm figure if he was in flame on, or mr fantastic all stretchy. Both done with cgi. Both based on an actual real person. An actor is hired for the role. In this case, his name is Stefan Kapicic. And he is a real life actor. If the character was a 100% created fictional being them the figure would still be subject to standard licensing approvals. Meaning both fox (the creators for film) and Marvel(the end licensor) would be the people making the approvals. Depending on how the new contracts are written. But like I said, just becuase it's a cgi look...doesn't mean it's issue free. Google doesn't cover everything my friend.

And think of it this way-a plastic figure isn't the actual actor but becuase it uses him/her as inspiration (and as such is a likeness) it's the same when that is based off a cgi of an actual person. It's complicated I know.
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1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Yeah Dp rocks
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

ASM2 Rhino was a proto that was never released as well. I see no reason why this figure would not make it to production.

That was canceled because the movie was trash .

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

If that was the reason for cancellations there wouldn't have been any Thor TDW figures. They probably figured it wouldn't sell well for the huge price such a big figure would cost
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

If that was the reason for cancellations there wouldn't have been any Thor TDW figures. They probably figured it wouldn't sell well for the huge price such a big figure would cost


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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

I need that Deadpool figure! Man like I said in some other thread, I need to hit that lottery win, and buy all these Hot toys figures without a problem!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Definitely very nice from ht.. Like the costume leather look
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

A lot of people jump on the Deadpool band wagon be cause of hype many know nothing about the character .

What's wrong with that?

My comic book years were the 70s and early 80s. Stopped following them for the most part. Then Ironman came along and re-sparked the passion.

I knew DP, but only from a distance. So all of this has energized a new audience, like me, to go back and learn about the character. I bought one of those big "issues 1-whatever" books I'm currently going through. Good stuff.

Anyways, the RR movie is gaining a new wave of fans. I was in the theaters for the original SW at age 10. I see new fans enjoying this new movie and I'm thrilled. "Welcome aboard", not "hey! I own it". Ya know?

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