1/6 Hot Toys - MMS745/745B - Episode III: Revenge of The Sith - Darth Sidious

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I think the only real nit I have seeing them side by side is the fabric choice is off on the figure. The hood has a much shinier, silk like appearance on the actual costume. The figure has a much coarser, rougher looking fabric. Palpatine was a snazzy dresser before he gave up and exclusively wore sith pajama robes. The luxury of his robe isn’t coming through with the figure’s fabric choice. Hopefully they fix that, although I doubt they do.
I think the only real nit I have seeing them side by side is the fabric choice is off on the figure. The hood has a much shinier, silk like appearance on the actual costume. The figure has a much coarser, rougher looking fabric. Palpatine was a snazzy dresser before he gave up and exclusively wore sith pajama robes. The luxury of his robe isn’t coming through with the figure’s fabric choice. Hopefully they fix that, although I doubt they do.
We have fabric at home vibes 😂 due to Imperial budget cuts, Palps will have to go off the rack
I always assumed this and that CW look were the same outfit. He wears the same red/maroon outfit as the office duel throughout different CW episodes. I just assumed they borrowed those outfits rather than designing all new ones for him. I’d almost have preferred a single release with both heads and then done the office duel as the second figure and include both heads again. Really odd choice really.

It does seem like an odd choice. They would have been better off just making CW Sidious into Chancellor Palpatine (Red robe) to maximize collectors options of display, especially since Mace Windu is coming. I can see many collectors opting to simply buy this while CW Sidious collects dust.
I always associate this version with this specific bit of him having his hands up as he's telling Yoda to rise while cackling.


This is definitely the version to give him a more goofy and "fun" having sculpt.
I hate the PT as much as I hate the ST, but this figure looks great and I love the sculpt. If it came with a second cackling head sculpt I would definitely buy one. This will look phenomenal on a shelf.
At the rate HT has been pumping out Star Wars figures over the last month you’d think they’re losing the license or something. Kinda crazy numbers but some really unique and interesting figures and choices happening, even if a couple of turds like the chrome Cody and Goldie came from the batch. 2 out of like a dozen being the only duds isn’t bad.
Market in Asia is being swept away, western market is poised to be HT’s new focus. Thankfully. Theory was brought up by a dear Freak, don’t recall who exactly.
I'm probably insane for it but I'm buying this and keeping my CW Palps preorder as well. I'll take any and all versions they wanna make of him.
I think we're all a little insane on this board... I hadn't ordered the CW Palps but had been eyeing it for sure. I'll end up getting it most likely as I like it as well and I have figures I can display all three Palps with...
Rots is where hot toys is really going to kick us in the plums. They’ve barely touched it. So many Clones, grievous, Jedi masters, redo of mace, yoda, and dooku, grievous bodyguard, the droids. Get ready.
Okay, since last night Everytime I look at this sculpt I keep seeing something in my mind that I just couldn't identify. I LOVE the sculpt and already ordered it, but this morning I figured out what this reminds me of (or at least what image kept popping in my mind). For whatever reason when I look at it, it makes me think of Michael Sheen in Twilight 🤣 I think it's partially how red the eyes look and something about the grin.
Well yes. OT, seasons 1 and 2 of Mando, parts of Rogue 1.

And this ... :ROFLMAO:
What if Anakin was Smart
That is gold :rotfl
Wait ... are there people who think the PT and ST is what makes Star Wars?:oops:
No no of course not. Star Wars is a different things to different people. I was literally just wondering what SW you do like since I've never seen anyone dislike both the PT and OT
Also I think I misread your initial comment as PT and OT. That explains my confusions. Apologies
Okay, since last night Everytime I look at this sculpt I keep seeing something in my mind that I just couldn't identify. I LOVE the sculpt and already ordered it, but this morning I figured out what this reminds me of (or at least what image kept popping in my mind). For whatever reason when I look at it, it makes me think of Michael Sheen in Twilight 🤣 I think it's partially how red the eyes look and something about the grin.
Yes :rotfl:rotfl


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