The names that SW is coming up with since the PT are really ridiculous
Star Wars has always had pretty silly names. We've gotten used to them, but imagine if you were in your thirties in 1977 what you would think hearing Darth Vader, Jabba the Hutt or Boba Fett for the first time.
I wouldn't judge them as harshly as Darth Maul-"ya to death," Darth "In"-Sidious and General Grievous-"Bodily-Harm."
No offense to anyone but thats a sorry @ss figure.
Yes, the prequels are worse (Count Dooku anyone?), but my point is that the OT does have its share of silly names. Lobot, Sy Snoodles, Max Rebo, Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar...
I agree that the clean outfit, plain pose picks make this figure look pretty boring. And he does have a Ghostbusters vibe going on. I do think he looks better in the film all dirtied up, though.
The PT had some pretty bad names too.
Ric Olie
Kit Fisto
Ki Adi Mundi
Adi Gallia
Ben Quadrinaros
Man what a load of bollocks we bought into back then. Commtech chips to hear your figures talk, jacking the price of a 3 and 3/4 figure up.
I just want to see this film, get it out of the way, then bask in 2017's warm CBM warming glow.
Hopefully the two upcoming convention shows will have a taste of what's to come figure wise.
From this, it's kind of sad that I want none of the rebels, not one. Just Tarkin and Krennic.
You've all forgotten the Jedi master Yareal PoofHaha - at $4-5 a pop, I'd take those prices again.
And man, some of those characters didn't just have bad names, they were truly awful designs - like Mr. Bug's Life here...
I'll likely pass on this guy. I'd rather have Cassian.
Same, Cassian is my most wanted out of the R1 crew, but Baze was a real surprise, enjoyed him so much.