It's my hope anyway haha. Honestly, I think the best thing for IX is that it begins with a time skip. Regardless of what people think of TLJ (I'm not even sure what I think of it), it did set the ending up well enough so it can start a few years later if it wants.
It would be cool if Kylo & the Knights of Ren basically base up in Vader's castle or something, and Kylo spends more time with his personal vendettas than leading the FO. Obviously this would piss off Hux and other officers, which would create an interesting tension within the order itself. It would also give time for Rey to have trained or whatever with G.Luke, the books, etc. and obviously the other planets in the galaxy could choose sides and whatnot so there's an actual war. I just hope they don't kill Kylo ala Vader. He's way too good of a character IMO, best character of the sequels.