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Just because a few nerds like you are angry that someone dares to not agree with you it does not mean the person is ignorant. You just have to get the reality that your option is just that. Opinion not fact. Its amazing how you can get so angry over such a minor issue. Makes you look like a loser with not much of a life.

You realize you're on a toy forum, arguing with toy collectors, right?

This is your post in this very thread discussing possible suit changes. Maybe you should take your own advice since you're posting exactly like you're telling people not to.

Guys, don't even bother responding to him. He comes in here spouting off with next to no Batman knowledge, and when called out on it reverts to the classic "nerds with no life" nonsense.
Just because a few nerds like you are angry that someone dares to not agree with you it does not mean the person is ignorant. You just have to get the reality that your option is just that. Opinion not fact. Its amazing how you can get so angry over such a minor issue. Makes you look like a loser with not much of a life.

That's not too far from the truth, I collect dollies for God's sakes! :lol

I don't think anyone was angry at anybody, it was more that folks were taken aback by such a perplexing statement you made that you claimed to have never heard of one of the most beloved Batman actors of them all. Like someone said before, it's like saying you like Bond but never heard of Sean Connery. When people are collectively bewildered by such a bold, declarative statement, you have to wonder- "Wow, did I just said something really, really silly?".

Your opinions are NOT wrong, mind you. They're discombobulating.
That's not too far from the truth, I collect dollies for God's sakes! :lol

I don't think anyone was angry at anybody, it was more that folks were taken aback by such a perplexing statement you made that you claimed to have never heard of one of the most beloved Batman actors of them all. Like someone said before, it's like saying you like Bond but never heard of Sean Connery. When people are collectively bewildered by such a bold, declarative statement, you have to wonder- "Wow, did I just said something really, really silly?".

Your opinions are NOT wrong, mind you. They're discombobulating.

I was taken aback by the anger a few people displayed simply because I dared to mention I never heard if his name until a few weeks ago. The nerd rage was totally unecessary. The Connery example you are giving is bad because he was actually James Bond on screen. If he just provided just his voice but was never actually on screen I would be a good example.
This is your post in this very thread discussing possible suit changes. Maybe you should take your own advice since you're posting exactly like you're telling people not to.

Well it is a fact that some people have no taste.
I think we found potato's twin brother on the forum :lol.
Oh I'm sure of it :lol maybe they were separated a birth!
That's not too far from the truth, I collect dollies for God's sakes! :lol

I don't think anyone was angry at anybody, it was more that folks were taken aback by such a perplexing statement you made that you claimed to have never heard of one of the most beloved Batman actors of them all. Like someone said before, it's like saying you like Bond but never heard of Sean Connery. When people are collectively bewildered by such a bold, declarative statement, you have to wonder- "Wow, did I just said something really, really silly?".

Your opinions are NOT wrong, mind you. They're discombobulating.
I would say Conroy is not just one of the most beloved Batman actors, but DC actors as well :lecture And yeah, it's discombobulating. Good choice of word there Ryan.
Rule # 1 when addressing malgus:

You don't, you ignore him. Another one of those macho keyword warriors that do nothing but troll. Moving on.

And yes, Conroy is the mothereffin Batman.
Could apply to so many people on this forum...
Well it is a fact that some people have no taste.
So you admit to having no taste, ok then!
Guys, he's just a 200_s.gif I'm sure he knows who Conroy is and exactly what he's doing. feedtroll.gif
After reading the past couple pages, I'm kinda scared to say this... but I wasn't really familiar with who Conroy was before either. I would consider myself a huge batman MOVIE and 1966 TV Show fan, but I never was really into the cartoons or video games. I know that for some of you who are fans of everything Batman, my confession may sound unbelievable. But I don't think it's too far fetched to be a batman fan and be unfamiliar with Conroy if you never watched, read about, experienced or enjoyed the cartoons or video games. Maybe that's why I wasn't positive who Conroy was before reading the posts in this thread. I hope this doesn't make anyone angry, as I'm not a troll. I just wanted to get that confession off my chest. A weight is lifted!!!! :lol
If your only foray into Batman is the movies, then it isn't really surprising to have not heard of Conroy. He is the voice actor and not the screen actor of the character, so it's not like people will recognize him from his face.

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If your only foray into Batman is the movies, then it isn't really surprising to have not heard of Conroy. He is the voice actor and not the screen actor of the character, so it's not like people will recognize him from his face.

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His problem was he came in and dismissed Conroy like he was nothing, simply because he didn't know who he was.

Thanks for not lynching me guys :) And yeah, I can see how his dismissal of Conroy could lead to anger. After seeing how much people love him, maybe I'll check out the cartoons and VG's. He must be pretty amazing to have such a loyal following.

And nice pics J&B!
Thanks for not lynching me guys :) And yeah, I can see how his dismissal of Conroy could lead to anger. After seeing how much people love him, maybe I'll check out the cartoons and VG's. He must be pretty amazing to have such a loyal following.

And nice pics J&B!

Does that mean you've never seen Batman: The Animated Series? Then hurry and buy the DVDs! They're only the greatest thing ever! :lol

It's one thing to not be aware of common knowledge but it's another to be hostile or dismissive about it, hence that's where all the backlash came from.

Most Batman fans consider Kevin Conroy to be the definitive Batman, live action or otherwise. He just "gets" the character in terms of nuances even more so than all the live action actors combined. Heck, it's really hard to read a Batman comic without Conroy's voice being subconsciously playing out in your brain. :lol
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Does that mean you've never seen Batman: The Animated Series? Then hurry and buy the DVDs! They're only the greatest thing ever! :lol

It's one thing to not be aware of common knowledge but it's another to be hostile or dismissive about it, hence that's where all the backlash came from.

I think I watched the animated series when I was REALLY young, too young to really appreciate Conroy's work and also too young to look more into the series to know who provided batman's voice. I'd just watch the show and eat my snack pack. Really miss those simpler times :lol
Why would you want to read a Batman comic without Conroy's voice (or Hamill's Joker) running through your head? :)
The reason i po'd this guy was because he looks like the batman in justice league voiced by conroy. When i watch batman in other cartoons it's distracting when it's not conroy.
I think I watched the animated series when I was REALLY young, too young to really appreciate Conroy's work and also too young to look more into the series to know who provided batman's voice. I'd just watch the show and eat my snack pack. Really miss those simpler times :lol
Conroy actually changed the way his Batman voice was as TAS went on actually, so that could be it. It was a little quieter in the beginning, and slowly became what it was as each episode went on.

And yeah, it's as Ryan says, you are at least not hostile. Plus you had some idea of Conroy.
Most Batman fans consider Kevin Conroy to be the definitive Batman, live action or otherwise. He just "gets" the character in terms of nuances even more so than all the live action actors combined. Heck, it's really hard to read a Batman comic without Conroy's voice being subconsciously playing out in your brain. :lol
Very true, that's how I view things with the comics! and it makes them all the more better
If your only foray into Batman is the movies, then it isn't really surprising to have not heard of Conroy. He is the voice actor and not the screen actor of the character, so it's not like people will recognize him from his face.

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This is true, but you shouldn't really be on here if your only foray into Batman is the movies imo. You're missing on way too much and can be confused easily about stuff