Super Freak
I love how his arms look from behind. Those tris are insane. Lol
I just saw Arkham Bats on display at a local store, and he looks fantastic in museum pose -- his proportions are beastly and suit looks alright without the ugly folds on some poses. I think he would actually complement SSC's comicbook Batman on a shelf.
My only true gripe with this figure is the way HT cut the boots, makes you think that the figure might have been rushed indeed just to get it off HT's backlog list. NECA's 2-piece boot on their 1/4 Arkham Origins Batman looks much better, as the shoe gets tucked at the back of the shin guard. HT's look as if the boots were one piece just cut clean by the ankles to have articulation. It can clearly be seen on Shartimus' review. They could have also done it DX12-style instead, where the cuts looked better.
EDIT: Added a screenshot from Shartimus Prime's review.
Are you really prefer SSC bat than HT Arkham ? SSC bat looks hideous and most likely flawed as well
I can see why they like it. The Sideshow body looks better.
View attachment 187888
Too bad it has that ugly, old man face. The again, I was never a fan of being able to see Batman's nose through the cowl, so the Arkham head isn't much better.
That's awesome Ryan! Megalodon
How'd you make the cape stay up?
Yeah, you weren't kidding about the size at all. He's a beast next to Naked Snake. And good job with the display, he looks MUCH better by himself like that. Great poses with the cape, too.
He is a great stand alone figure but would not do well posed in a collection as he is just too oversized. Pity as this could be the perfect comic batman for now.