1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure

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After watching a few reviews I have my doubts about this figure... I think I'll wait, I'd rather get SSC Bats...

I just saw Arkham Bats on display at a local store, and he looks fantastic in museum pose -- his proportions are beastly and suit looks alright without the ugly folds on some poses. I think he would actually complement SSC's comicbook Batman on a shelf.

My only true gripe with this figure is the way HT cut the boots, makes you think that the figure might have been rushed indeed just to get it off HT's backlog list. NECA's 2-piece boot on their 1/4 Arkham Origins Batman looks much better, as the shoe gets tucked at the back of the shin guard. HT's look as if the boots were one piece just cut clean by the ankles to have articulation. It can clearly be seen on Shartimus' review. They could have also done it DX12-style instead, where the cuts looked better.

EDIT: Added a screenshot from Shartimus Prime's review.

^Touché :lol But still, I think the boots should and could have been executed better by HT. For some collectors, especially at these prices, things like that can be a real eye sore, despite the fact that they're not well seen. Then again, other collectors could care less.

Wish I could care less, because the figure is otherwise pretty kickass. The articulation issues wouldn't bother me too much, as I'd probably just keep him in a neutral, museum pose. Some figures can look awesome and menacing in just a neutral pose if they have presence, and this beast definitely has presence.
I totally get that some folks are disappointed with the articulation, but I think with a hulking body like that, he doesn't need to do much in order to have a commanding shelf presence. If it was a Spider-Man figure this stiff though, I'd be furious.

My only concern at the moment (and I might be the only one) is that he's gonna tower over every 1/6 figure I have except for probably the Classic Pred. mine will be placed next to the DX10 Terminator, so I hope he doesn't make Arnold look too small.. :lol
Even if you could pose this guy, people would still complain that it stretches the suit if left in an extreme pose for a while.

Man of Steel material would work well - but again, it would stretch and start to slowly damage it.

Therefore, moaning about the lack of articulation is pointless unless it is coupled with suggesting a way of improving it.

The comments about how ugly his arm looks if you bend it are also pointless - the alternative is to have a visible joint - then people would still complain.

These figures are designed to look as accurate and as realistic as possible and if that means no joints but a rubber suit - then that is brilliant.

I've owned all the HT Batmen so far and the rubber body Hellboy - not one of them is damaged and that's because I was careful with posing and careful with the rubber. These figures are hundreds of pounds / dollars - why would you risk damaging it.

There are some reviews of Youtube who, when demonstrating articulation, pull the figure like it's a Stretch-Armstrong. If that's what people are doing to these things, then they WILL break. It's mind-boggling.

This hobby has grown so big in the last couple of years - I miss the good old days when very few people knew about these figures and to own one felt like a real privilege. Now, everyone in the world is buying them and it's just made it - less special, less exciting, less unique. There's always a dampener on everything now and it's making this hobby a real challenge.
^Touché :lol But still, I think the boots should and could have been executed better by HT. For some collectors, especially at these prices, things like that can be a real eye sore, despite the fact that they're not well seen. Then again, other collectors could care less.

Wish I could care less, because the figure is otherwise pretty kickass. The articulation issues wouldn't bother me too much, as I'd probably just keep him in a neutral, museum pose. Some figures can look awesome and menacing in just a neutral pose if they have presence, and this beast definitely has presence.

People going on about the boots but no mention of the unnecessary visible neck joint that HT decided to give this figure. That is the major problem I have with this figure. That joint is not a part of the design of the Batman in the game.
I'll get the Gotham Knight figure, most seem to hate it but it looks cool to me, and you can completely drape the cape around him. That's the definitive Batman pose to me.