It really is. I understand artists need to make money especially if that's their only source of income, but man, $250+ (in some cases, not all) for an unpainted headsculpt is ridiculous in my opinion. Even the "lower" $150 for an unpainted headsculpt is pretty outrageous to me as well. But low supply and high demand have made it what it is. I say this knowingly participating in some of these runsI agree with you there. I’ve had a few experiences that have almost made me quit. I rarely go to custom one sixth anymore for that reason. That and the level of money increase for non-painted head sculpts and custom figures is insane. I found a figure I was semi interested in, asked the person, how much, and got back a figure of over 5K!?! No kidding. Since when did a single figure become that valuable!?! Lol, good luck with that.

And Toribox/Yunsil regularly increasing their prices even during the production, so your final payment is 9 times out of 10 always going to be more than planned these days b/c of supposed updated techniques or difficulties with making something, etc. But, by then, you're already in and almost done so you pay up anyway.
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