Okay, I've got a window of painting time tomorrow to tackle the base for Mal, and I will be doing it in the bridge door color scheme. Once that is done, I'm ready to get this thing off to Trevor, but I would sure like to see him fully dressed for pics first.
Okay, the Bridge Door diorama base for Fillion's Mal is done, and it looks sweet! Anzik's work and my paint went together very nicely. Thanks, Anzik for a sick dio. I'll have pics up tomorrow.
Cadaver, did you get the clothes out yesterday, or at all yet? I can't wait to see the completed vision.
Not long now, crew. The Captain is soon to receive his very special gift.
Damn it! Does anybody else have so much trouble with Phototbucket every single time they try to upload pics? Geez, that site is slow and glitchy. If it weren't so easy to use otherwise, I'd never go there.
I'm trying to load pics, but it keeps crashing all of Internet Explorer, which is especially amazing now that every tab is supposed to operate as an independent browser.