If you want, I could make a Serenity style door back ground with an attachment for the base and donate it to the cause.
here is the Mal head sculpt on a TT advanced... I like it!
We could then have a base with a replica of part of the Serentiy deck and then the Firefly logo on the front with lights
I like that head on the Advanced body. With clothes I think it will look just right. I can paint up those forearms and hands to look really good, too.
I love the base and lit logo idea. Haha, before we're done with this project, we're going to have an entire Serenity ship in 1/6 scale with 1/6 cows for the cargo hold.

@ Trev: If you sculpt the boots, I can drill them and make them work on the Truetype. I'll paint them as well. I can ask some of the guys at Sideshow for advice on casting something like that to be figure ready, too.
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