I like the name more in a vacuum as it brings "Victory" to mind and Doom's whole motivation is to technically win at higher and higher levels. But I imagine the Frankenstein bit played a role in his naming as well.I looked through the 1602 series out of curiosity a few years ago but didn't follow the story closely.
Victor is a fitting name, bringing to mind Victor Frankenstein and his magical science.
Whenever I think of Doctor Doom I think of his castle and the medieval-like Doomstadt. I remember reading comics that were quite atmospheric with their imagery, but finding those stories again isn't easy.
For the figure I'm seeing him in the 1930s or 1940s in a Red Skull type of role - a mastermind in league with the Nazis. Though it's going to be interesting seeing him alongside all kinds of figures.
Oh, and thinking about it, I might finally have a use for the wartime First Avenger Captain America - which I originally got to go with Indiana Jones. A union that didn't last long.
He'd fit in any of those displays, but were I to put him in a place divorced from any Marvel figures, I'd go with some other sorcerers, wizards, demons and so on.
As for the tacked on gypsy bit, it was always ridiculous and it's my least favourite aspect of the character. It's there just to excuse him being into magic. Kirby was on the front around those parts and instead of paying any tribute to Eastern Europe all he did was create evil quasi-Nazis and oppressive kings for the natives, and turned all of his heroic or anti heroic characters into gypsies. Silly American romanticism of a world they know nothing of. I hope MCU Doom takes a page from the Ultimate universe and is a descendant of Dracula.

That's the kind of cool stuff comic books can do. And then you can easily tie him in with Strange, the Midnight Sons, the Darkhold and all that. Mad Scientist Sorcerer Dracula Junior is badass and I'll die on that hill. And it pays tribute to the folklore of the land. Everyone gets their fantasy ethnostate in the MCU but Euros can only be Nazis or gypsies? Maybe some British caricature if we're lucky? Come on. If you're gonna do a character, put in the work. Otherwise just populate your entire universe with New Yorkers. I'd honestly have no problem with that and I would even prefer it.
And I definitely do not want a "heroic" Doom. He's a selfish but magnificent bastard and he should be that, with only some inlkings of humanity. We're talking about the same guy who once was insulted that the FF characterised the Latverians as slaves, but only because he thought slaves had "the option of escaping, whereas in Latveria this is impossible". Doom's just got good PR. But he's not a hero. I disagree with those interpretations. If he starts off as a "hero" in an Infamous Iron Man guise, it needs to be made clear that it's a ruse and he's actually scheming behind everyone's backs. Doom's not kind. Doom's not noble. Maybe a noble demon... He's not the Red Skull, but he's not a fundementaly good person either. He protects his people, but because they are his people. A lot of fans hated the Cantwell series, but I think he truly got Doom as a character. Not as a self-insert, but as he's supposed to be. And he pointed out this very thing.
And while everyone hated the inevitable conclusion, I found it fitting and the only way this could all have ended.
Doom becoming the biggest mortal mass murderer in the multiverse due to an emotional response is pure Doom. The man looked at a future he could've chosen any time, he saw a good world, and he spat in its face. That's Doom, no matter how much he lies to himself and to others. Does that mean that he shouldn't be kindly at times? No, he should have perfect decorum, be relatively gracious (but extremelly strict and capricious) with his people, and so on. But when it comes down to it, Doom's who he is because he chooses to be. That's why Reed gets under his skin, that's why he keeps doing it all. He can't helpt it.
Doom's literally the guy who digs his own grave. He prefers fear to love. He's not a sadist who wants to drill puppies, sure. But when it comes down to it, he chooses his role. He is the villain of everyone else's story because he wants to be. If he was all loved, people would stop fearing him and the rush of power he gets from it would stop. So he chooses fear and power. That's the core.
MCU Doom needs that Daemon/Aemond swagger, to use some recent examples. They're amoral sociopathic incestual egotists and people still love them. That's the kind of energy and charisma Doom needs.

Matt Smith would've been a great Kang...
We all know Doom was just seething he didn't think of it first.We all know Doom's first scene is going to be him standing at ground zero in 2001.
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