The throne will certainly give him a grand shelf presence, no denying that. Fingers crossed it won’t be outrageously priced.
Yes, no reason to make it out of heavy and expensive polystone. Plus plastic isn’t nearly as fragile. Thick enough not to warp and strong enough hold the weight of the figure but not the 10 pounds a polystone version could weigh. I don’t need a heavy throne, just one that looks good.I think the throne would work if they made it hollow and plastic.
Yeah not sure why it needs to be anything but plastic. Don't care for it to be resin or anything fancy. Just cast it in plastic and have the carpet be felt. Cheaper cost and shipping all around.I think the throne would work if they made it hollow and plastic.
CGI, "sleek" stolen Vibranium "armour" more like, with a Power Rangers facemask. That's what I fear. I don't want him to look too low tech either with an armour literally looking like it came from the 1400s, but Doom's thing should be looking equally advanced, mystical and regal at the same time. An ornate armour like here is a must for me. Failing that they should just go for a more "modern dictator wizard" look and have the armour be mostly hidden under the clothing.who knows if the MCU design will be this close to the comic Doom.
I see some terrible "Nike" style neoprene under-armor in Doom's future.
I've never heard of this company. Anyone else?
This version is exactly what I’d love to see in a movie. The right amount of magic and menace, just beautiful
Since A6 "Secret Wars" seems to be the (Clown) Kang Show tackling just the Incursions, and Doom's now rumored to only have a cameo in the first FF flick, there's speculation that MCU Doom will be on a reverse journey, so to speak. I can easily see him appearing in his Infamous Iron Man get-up, as an up-and-coming revolutionary-turned-king "super-hero" who tags along on the side of the heroes in A5 & A6. He essentially starts off as the new Iron Man, maybe he could even hide his magical abillities, and then turns heel. You could give him his history with Reed, but play with it a bit by bypassing the explosion and just having them as rivals in college. So he turns up, they're forced to work together, and he plays up this image of a good guy and everything, but at the last minute he attempts a power grab after Kang's been defeated, and he walks away of the two-parter firmly as a villain, transitioning into the classic Doom we know, his face all scarred now, and being set up as THE Big Bad. I can see them splitting Secret Wars in two. This time they'll do the Incursions and bring back the older casts, and then in about a decade they can do the full blown Cosmic Abstracts and Beyonders side of the story.I have faith the MCU will get Doom right after Doom has been... not done well... the last four times...
That said, I too expect his MCU outfit will be modernized or overdesigned to a degree. Given how much they like to milk Iron Man-esque designs and tie everything back to Tony in the MCU, I can see them going the Infamous Iron Man route.
I actually even like the look, but I'm a purist. Doctor Doom is like classic Spider-Man to me; the classic design is just iconic and timeless and I need that version on-screen to be fully satisfied. If we're lucky, they'll keep that base and the added panel lines and flourishes will be kept to a minimum. I've seen a few takes on that that worked well enough.
I actually think the first three Fantastic Four movies had okay Doom designs. Did love them, but didn't despise them. They can make him look 100% comic accurate in the MCU and it'll all be for naught if Doom isn't portrayed correctly. THAT I haven't seen on-film yet.
This figure at least fits the classic mold nearly perfectly. If I get it, I'll probably touch it up with some weathering and chrome touch-ups, but I can already tell he'd fit right in with my PS4 Classic Spider-Man.
Personally I love the Renaissance aesthetics and think Doom should lean there. They're the perfect mix for him. Maybe that's because I want to see the MCU use Hickman's Shield stuff, and that mini had a huge Renaissance flair.
I generally need to see Hickman's FF stuff get adapted. First we need to get a proper Galactus film, but you get my point. A Shield mini-series with Da Vinci, Galileo, Tesla, etc, with Nathaniel & Howard as our entry into that world, would be absolutely fantastic.
Good call, I remember that series. Black Widow tried to get with him and he threw her off a flying ship. Kind of weird that they swapped names between him and Ock though. Doom being named "Victor" is fitting. I liked it when in the Children's Crusade he "went good" and then instead of his usual "DOOM is here!" ranting he went with "Victor".That reminded me of the Marvel '1602' series.
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Though the S-Hero figure with its highly decorated armour, copied as it is from the Sideshow Legendary Scale, is even more fitting to the Renaissance than the 1602 interpretations.
Good call, I remember that series. Black Widow tried to get with him and he threw her off a flying ship. Kind of weird that they swapped names between him and Ock though. Doom being named "Victor" is fitting. I liked it when in the Children's Crusade he "went good" and then instead of his usual "DOOM is here!" ranting he went with "Victor".
*5 minutes later*
Ah, classic Doom! I've said it before, and I'll say it again; "misunderstood hero" Doom doesn't work. Magnificent operatic bastard is the only Doom I'll ever accept.
Not that it matters for any displays, but I always liked that Doom had a pretty strong code, and as a Romani child he DESPISED the Nazis. He was always very much a "do the right thing for the wrong reasons, then the wrong thing for the right reasons" type. Still, I will never tire of a well-written Doom that respects his opponents he deems worthy.I looked through the 1602 series out of curiosity a few years ago but didn't follow the story closely.
Victor is a fitting name, bringing to mind Victor Frankenstein and his magical science.
Whenever I think of Doctor Doom I think of his castle and the medieval-like Doomstadt. I remember reading comics that were quite atmospheric with their imagery, but finding those stories again isn't easy.
For the figure I'm seeing him in the 1930s or 1940s in a Red Skull type of role - a mastermind in league with the Nazis. Though it's going to be interesting seeing him alongside all kinds of figures.
Oh, and thinking about it, I might finally have a use for the wartime First Avenger Captain America - which I originally got to go with Indiana Jones. A union that didn't last long.
Not that it matters for any displays, but I always liked that Doom had a pretty strong code, and as a Romani child he DESPISED the Nazis. He was always very much a "do the right thing for the wrong reasons, then the wrong thing for the right reasons" type. Still, I will never tire of a well-written Doom that respects his opponents he deems worthy.
Any idea on their quality?They're connected to DAFTOYS, along with Bee Toys and Yan Toys.
DAF is a group that also comprised Mars/Saturn, though that arrangement may now have changed.
Any idea on their quality?