Ah right. Got confused cause it's the Bossk thread.
A lot of people keep saying wait for HT to do them... are they doing them?
I don't really see how they could improve on this version of Bossk? I think SS did a great job.
I feel pretty safe to say that HT are releasing the 'OT' figures they are because you will find those characters in Rogue One. Some, like the droid, we have already seen in the trailer. It doesn't mean that the 'treaty' with SSC is off - I don't think that HT will release the ESB BHs any time soon. Why would they when there are so many characters to choose from, new movies that they seem to focus on and when people have just spend their hard earned money on the SSC versions? Also most of these are troopers and HT seem to focus on those. They have very few aliens for instance - is Yoda and Chewie the only ones?
This is not bottled water, but a relatively small business and going into super direct completion like that just wouldn't make sense for any of them. Just my two cents.
Also if HT are using the Battlefront franchise to shoe horn OT characters into there collection then we could easily see them make figures of Han Solo Bespin, Han solo Hoth, Princess hoth, Princess Endor, Luke Jedi, Luke Hoth, Dengar, Greedo, Nium Numb and Lando bespin. And that's just the Characters that are in it for now. With new DLC content coming every 3 months, dam we could see a whole load more!
Adam, you have taken some of the best pics of these guys from SDCC.
Bossk looks great here. As others have mentioned, the joints are distracting.
Same here. It helps that in the scene on the Executor's bridge 4-LOM and Zuckuss are somewhat off to the side.Because for me back in the day there were four "main" BH (Fett, IG, Bossk and Dengar) I don't have a huge need to get Zuckuss and 4-LOM to feel like my BH line-up is "complete." Will definitely grab Dengar if it comes out close to this proto.
Sweating on price though. With Sideshow you just never know what price insanity they have up their sleeve.
Same here. It helps that in the scene on the Executor's bridge 4-LOM and Zuckuss are somewhat off to the side.