What can one say?
It'll be a figure you hate, really hate, claim to hate, but end up pre-ordering with the NRD, or really hate because SSC will screw it up in final production, etc.
I took a chance and pre-ordered it with the NRD. The worst case scenario. If SSC truly and utterly screws it up, I'll cancel and fight the NRD charge with my credit card company if it comes to it.
IMHO, the best 1:6 version of the character thus far is the VTS Revenger figure followed by the AF Saves figure. Both were not 100% perfect, but I've seen customs where parts were consolidated/replaced from the two with modifications and a superior figure was produced.
This version IMHO is not 100% perfect, but definitely conveys the character in terms of the head sculpt with the Bradstreet influence.
I don't care for the white gloves and boots, but they can be used for something else.
The weapons look like inferior cartoon versions.
$239.99 is overpriced definitely.
I think $179.99 to $199.99 would have been preferred, but SSC is greedy with the ongoing give less and get more mindset because those idiot customers will still pay for it mentality holds true.