1/6 SSC ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader Modification Thread

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Where is the board-accepted cut-off for determining which figure is being modified? In other words, how much of one particular product is normally used for one to consider it a modification of that product?

LOPIE has used the ANH body, ANH suit and ANH shins at least. To me, this is a "ANH Vader mod," as only a few parts from the new Sideshow RotJ version are being used. Are other people in the existing/older ANH Vader thread already doing/planning mods using the new Sideshow parts?

This is an interesting question, and it appears that everyone has an oppinion on the subject. As for me its a matter of material quality, and screen adaptation of a character. What are some of the difference in ANH and ROTJ Vader, shoulder armor, facemask, chest piece, and position of the tunic. I used ANH base body, shinguards, and suit because its a better material or it has better detailing. My main goal was to make the best detailed Vader I could, using what materials are available. For example I MODed my SS Boba Fett with a clone base body that belongs to Cody, does that turn it into a Cody figure? Well no, to me its a better figure. In the movies there is no difference in the body suit, or shinguards as for what SS has given us there is. SS ANH shinguards and body suit is a better material and has better detailing that's why I used them. So let's compare what I have done to my figure using the ESB/ROTJ movie as my template for that specific Vader. I used the suit and shinguards from ANH which are the same to my knowledge, for all the movies, I think it looks like ESB/ROTJ Vader.

I hope that answers your question. I'm crazy in this respects, I have no problem destroying two good figures to make one great figure. The average person would say that's stupid but in my mind it makes sense that's why I'm a MODer not just a collector.

As far as board acceptance goes I don't know and I don't think it matters Modification means to change it and ESB/ROTJ Vader was my main goal. I think I achevied my goal.
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You guys are all reading way too much into what I was asking. Let's just drop it because I feel I'll just keep spinning my wheels trying to explain the initial point, which had nothing to do with the movies. And at the same time , what I asked didn't need anyone to get defensive nor having to explain themselves - not at all what I was looking for.

The mods are inventive, creative and very cool to watch unfold, regardless of what the thread title is.
You guys are all reading way too much into what I was asking. Let's just drop it because I feel I'll just keep spinning my wheels trying to explain the initial point, which had nothing to do with the movies. And at the same time , what I asked didn't need anyone to get defensive nor having to explain themselves - not at all what I was looking for.

The mods are inventive, creative and very cool to watch unfold, regardless of what the thread title is.

I think it was a good question, I'm not offended. And sorry if I misunderstood the question, English is not my first language.
There's a spare hilt included, you could always add a blade to that one, leaving the other bladed one alone. Depending on what it looks like up close in person, I'll either drill out the spare for a lit CCFL mod, or I'll use one of the Hasbro hilts I have kicking around here.

I'd rather keep the hilt for attaching to Vader's belt. Can anyone tell me the best way to swap out the blades?
getting my Vader today. Ill be trying him on the spare Kaustic body Ive had waiting for him for months, as well as immediately replacing his cape and tunic with the lforigno set. Ill get pics up as soon as I can!
getting my Vader today. Ill be trying him on the spare Kaustic body Ive had waiting for him for months, as well as immediately replacing his cape and tunic with the lforigno set. Ill get pics up as soon as I can!

If you wound't mind, can you make sure to grab some shots on the caustic body before replacing the cape and tunic? I'd love to see how it turns out - the new body suit looks like it might be a difficult fit.

And if anyone if doing any arm-thickening mods to the stock Sideshow body, please post before and after images with the suit on. So far the only ones I can remember are King's with the gardener's tape.

After more closely looking at the Rebel Scum comparison pics, at this point I'm convinced that to get absolutely the best Vader possible, once has to apply a similar mod recipe to what Lopie is putting together. Starting with a better proportioned body and the suit from the ANH version, then mixing and matching the rest of the best parts. I love the kit bash process, but have always tried to stay away from modifying full/finished HT and Sideshow products.
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I couldn't bring myself to make one figure from 2 complete ones, I'd much rather mod both by sourcing the bits I needed for each to represent each look.
On the subject of what Vader is a mishmash Vader... isn't that ultimately determined by which chest box you use and whether the robe is under or over the chest armor? Those two items seem to be the biggest, most obvious differences for those just coming to terms with the different Vader suits.

I could go into the size of the chin grill on the mask (can't use ROTJ mask for ANH) but I don't want to freak anyone out. :D
Everything about ANH Vader that is different than the other movies I chalk up to costuming error and lower-cost production. In other words, the newer Vader costume is the reference in my view. That view won't work if you're a prop type person.
On the subject of what Vader is a mishmash Vader... isn't that ultimately determined by which chest box you use and whether the robe is under or over the chest armor? Those two items seem to be the biggest, most obvious differences for those just coming to terms with the different Vader suits.

I could go into the size of the chin grill on the mask (can't use ROTJ mask for ANH) but I don't want to freak anyone out. :D

This and the gloves style are different as you know Wor Gar being the resident Vader expert!

But obviously the biggest difference is the dome , it sits lower to cover his eyebrows, flares out and has a widows peak in ANH

In reality you can't actually buy any parts from this new vader to "upgrade" your ANH vader. Totally different design.

Don't like what I see from any of these mods so far, I mean they really help a lot and are innovative but not up to par.. Was hoping for more with this figure, hopefully someone will perfect the recipe for improvement!
here are my mods so far

He is on a new TT muscle body.. I dont understand TT number lingo.. the new arnold one.. with shortened neck and legs lengthened by an additional joint from a normal TT foot. I think it balences out his weight much better, fills the suit nicely and also shortens him a tad which is great for scale

and of course, an lforigno cape and tunic set.



here are my mods so far

He is on a new TT muscle body.. I dont understand TT number lingo.. the new arnold one.. with shortened neck and legs lengthened by an additional joint from a normal TT foot. I think it balences out his weight much better, fills the suit nicely and also shortens him a tad which is great for scale

and of course, an lforigno cape and tunic set.




Looks great! Was it tricky putting it together? Also, that's the stock dome right?
stock dome! super easy, only thing that was tough was shortening the neck. i cut it down with an xacto, took the joint out, dremelled it down, glued it back in, voila
here are my mods so far

He is on a new TT muscle body.. I dont understand TT number lingo.. the new arnold one.. with shortened neck and legs lengthened by an additional joint from a normal TT foot. I think it balences out his weight much better, fills the suit nicely and also shortens him a tad which is great for scale

and of course, an lforigno cape and tunic set.




The two things that bothered me the most about the SS stock Vader was the skinny arms and baggy suit. You addressed them both with a great looking figure.
Did you do the helmet re-positioning mod? Because the space between the dome edge and shoulders looks too spacious. Do you have any photos showing the arms out-stretched and the legs uncovered by the tunic so we can see how the suit fits the body better? And lastly do you have another figure such as DX07 or a Sideshow trooper to put next to him for scale comparison?
here are my mods so far

He is on a new TT muscle body.. I dont understand TT number lingo.. the new arnold one.. with shortened neck and legs lengthened by an additional joint from a normal TT foot. I think it balences out his weight much better, fills the suit nicely and also shortens him a tad which is great for scale

and of course, an lforigno cape and tunic set.




I was thinking of something similar using the TTM20. Did you have any trouble getting the arms in the suit? I've read it's a tight fit but looks like you did it with no problem.
